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WEB Corp. Signs Deer Hunter Developer

Sunstorm will develop several games for the publisher of episodic game content.


WEB Corp. announced today that Sunstorm Interactive will develop a series of games for episodic Internet release later this year. WEB Corp. is a new publisher working to release PC games in a series of low-bandwidth, low-cost episodes over the web.

Sunstorm has developed over forty games for a casual gaming audience, including the Deer Hunter series, in which players stalk and shoot deer in a basic 3D environment. Released in 1997, Deer Hunter showed the industry that a simple, low-cost, and clearly-marketed game can break into the PC bestseller charts.

"To join forces with a number-one selling developer takes us to the next level in bringing mainstream episodic gaming to reality," said Jim Perkins, president and CEO of WEB Corp.

"This new distribution model allows us to focus on creating compelling content that is unlikely to be picked up by the traditional retail game publisher," said Anthony Campiti, president of Sunstorm Interactive. "We're excited to take our proven, easy to use game engine to the Internet and attract a broader audience."

Names and gameplay details for the upcoming games will be announced later this summer.

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