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Watch Dogs: Legion Update 2.30 Is Live, Patch Notes Here

The latest patch for Ubisoft's anonymized open-world thriller fixes many bugs, but leaves two that Xbox players have recently complained about.


Ubisoft has unveiled the latest update for Watch Dogs: Legion, and it fixes a variety of unintended issues that have cropped up in the open-world hacker game. These are mostly bugs of a traditional video game variety, including players falling through floors, multiple crashes, and a particularly nasty issue that caused players to spawn without any player characters after dying on Permadeath mode. (The patch notes jokingly refer to this as a Super Game Over.)

However, there are two notable issues that Xbox players have complained about on social media that the patch does not address. One of those is a bug that reportedly corrupts save files on the Xbox Series X/S. Another is a constant audio glitch also affecting Xbox Series X/S players. Ubisoft says that the team has replicated those issues and is currently working on fixes for both. You may want to wait to play on these platforms, particularly because of the save glitch.

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Watch Dogs: Legion's previous patch, Update 2.20, added a manual save game button to PC and added stability improvements for all platforms. Along with that update, Ubisoft announced that the multiplayer component of Legion has been delayed to early 2021 so that the development team can focus on ironing out the bugs. The game quickly went on sale during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You can find it for $30 at several retailers.

Watch Dogs: Legion TU 2.20 Patch Notes


  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to change game difficulty and permadeath options while in the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen could occur when opening the door to hidden rooms.
  • Super Game Over: Fixed an issue where, after getting Game Over in Permadeath Mode, players would spawn without any player characters when starting a new game.
  • Players can no longer defy space and time to open an ETO safe an infinite amount of times.


  • Fixed an issue where operatives would sometimes fall through the water on builds with AMD GPUs.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on saving after exiting the game.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading the team menu.
  • Fixed a crash that might occur when using the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where lightning could get overblown during the day.
  • Optimized loading time when quitting to the main menu.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the game autodetected input devices.
  • Fixed an out of memory crash.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling or disabling Ray Tracing.
  • Further optimizations made to save games to reduce the likelihood of corruption and lost progression.

Xbox (General)

  • Added Arabic subtitles to the English and Russian version of the game.
  • Fixed an issue where voice over would sometimes get auto muted.

Xbox One

  • Fixed an issue where a crash could occur when recruiting an Albion guard in the mission “Inside Albion”.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur after longs periods of play.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the drone point of view during the “Into the Void” mission.
  • Further optimizations made to save games to reduce the likelihood of corruption and lost progression.

Xbox Series X

  • Fixed an issue where the game launched in English when the console language was set to Arabic.
  • Improved graphics in instances where corruption occurred.

PlayStation 4

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the game.
  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when spawning into a new area.
  • Further optimizations made to save games to reduce the likelihood of corruption and lost progression.

PlayStation 5

  • Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when resuming the game from the main menu.
  • Fix a crash that could occur when quitting the game.
  • Fixed a black screen that could occur when playing the “Inside Albion” mission.


  • Fixed an issue where lightning could get overblown during the day.
  • Optimized loading time when quitting to the main menu.

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