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Wargame Development Kit Mod Program Opens

Shrapnel Games announces plan to share profits with mod makers for new scenarios.


Wargame developer Shrapnel Games has announced a program in which it will offer community-designed scenarios for sale from its online store and pay royalties to the mod authors. The scenarios are to be designed with the company's Armies of Armageddon: WDK 2K development kit.

"Currently the 'mod squad' has everything from a comic-book-based game to an amphibious-assault wargame to a science-fiction-fleet-based wargame and more," said Richard Arnesen, Shrapnel Games' director of covert operations. "Once a mod makes it through our acceptance committee, we will offer it for sale on our website and offer a royalty agreement with the mod creator." Shrapnel Games did not disclose the specifics of the royalty agreement.

Armies of Armageddon: WDK 2K is necessary to participate in the mod-making program and is available from Shrapnel's site for US$39.95. A demo version is available here.

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