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Final Fantasy, Zelda 64, and Project X were the big stories this week. Did you see them?


This week was pretty active for video game news, especially compared to last week. From the next installment in the Final Fantasy series to VM Labs unveiling a few more details about Project X, we covered it.

If you didn't catch it the first time, here's a rundown of what made news this past week.

Final Fantasy VIII. Its very mention sends shivers down the spines of RPG fans everywhere. On Friday this week, Square officially announced the game in grand style. We were there, and filed a report from the conference, where Square flung the doors open on its next title. This winter the title will land in Japan, and less than six months later, a US version will appear stateside. Check out our two stories for the first renders and artwork from the game and the logo.

A few more details on VM Labs' Project X console were revealed early this week, confirming several rumors that have been going around (DVD for one), but leaving the much of the new technology still shrouded in mystery. Whatever VM Labs' strategy is, it'll be hard to get Katana out of the minds of E3 attendees - no matter what the power of the Project X system may be. Here's the full report from Monday with new details:

Nintendo confirmed several release dates for games in its fall lineup. If you're an N64 fan, check it out to find out exactly when your favorite games are coming, including (most importantly) Zelda. Also, Nintendo lowered the suggested price for F-Zero X in Japan and confirmed a release date for Pokemon Stadium there.

TOCA In, TOCA Out. Early this week, GameSpot confirmed that Electronic Arts would soon bring Codemasters' Touring Car Championship to the US. That deal fell through later in the week, and now the title's back up in the air.

We also tracked down screenshots for several upcoming titles to be shown at E3. If you missed our first looks at the following games, you'll want to go back and check them out: ASC's Jeff Gordon Racing, Sega's Daytona USA 2, Konami's C: The Contra Adventure, THQ's Yoda Stories, and Acclaim's Extreme G 2.

That's it for this week. Be sure to check back each and every day for the latest video game news from!

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