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Ubisoft Won't Charge $70 For PS5 And Xbox Series X Games This Fall, Future Plans Unclear

The studio said its titles launching this holiday will cost $60, but neglected to talk about future releases.


Ubisoft has responded to the possible price hike in games from $60 to $70 during its latest earnings call, saying that the company "plans to come with the same price as the previous generation of consoles."

"For the Christmas games, we plan to come with the same price as the previous generation of consoles," Ubisoft said. "That's what we're focused on at the moment."

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Ubisoft has some heavy-hitters coming this holiday season, with Watch Dogs: Legion arriving on October 29 and Assassin's Creed Valhalla launching on November 17. Both titles will hit PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X when they drop this holiday, and, based on Ubisoft's comments, it seems they will cost $60 instead of $70.

However, because Ubisoft said "Christmas," it's possible future releases on next-gen--including Far Cry 6, Gods & Monsters, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Quarantine, and others--could be priced higher than $60. CEO Yves Guillemot's response referring to "Christmas" games was brought up in a later question during the earnings call. When asked specifically if he was leaving room for a potential price increase for post-Christmas games, Guillemot doubled down, again only discussing the unchanged pricing for this year's games.

Publisher 2K Sports confirmed that the PS5 and XSX versions of NBA 2K21 will cost $70 at launch. This is the first company to announce that next-gen games will get a $10 price increase over their current-gen counterparts. Xbox boss Phil Spencer weighed in on the conversation, saying that regardless of what the price of gaming becomes, gamers will ultimately vote with their wallet. If 2K finds success with this increase, other publishers may follow suit.

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