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Trade Dispute = Game Shortage?

Banning Japanese container ships from docking at US ports could lead to a short supply of video games this year.


A trade dispute between the US and Japan could, if prolonged, lead to a shortage of video games this holiday season.

In retaliation for Japan's refusal to pay US$4 million in fines, the US Maritime Commission issued an order that would ban Japanese cargo ships from docking in US ports. The commission is currently delaying enforcement of the order until late Friday, hoping that negotiators can resolve the dispute, which arose when US ships were not allowed access to Japanese ports.

Analysts told the Associated Press today, Friday morning, that hi-tech gifts such as stereos, cameras, and computers could be left in short supply if the ban goes into effect.

That means that video game items (systems and games manufactured in Japan) would also be affected.

Ships would be rerouted to Vancouver, Canada, if the ban goes into effect.

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