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Tom Brady Teams Up With Avengers Directors For A New Movie And More

The NFL superstar is pushing into the Hollywood space with a new production company.


NFL star Tom Brady is partnering with the directors of The Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame for a new Hollywood production label that will create movies, TV shows, and documentaries.

Brady is launching 199 Productions, and so far it has already signed "a slate of development projects" covering stories about sports, entertainment, and health and wellness.

The first project from 199 Productions is a documentary called Unseen Football, which will be produced by Joe and Anthony Russo, the directors of some of the biggest movies in box office history. Deadline reports that the film is Brady's "love letter" to football, and it will tackle multiple levels of the game, including high school, college, and the NFL.

Unseen Football will be directed by Gotham Chopra, who previously directed Brady's Facebook documentary series, Tom vs. Time. The series tallied 100 million views on Facebook.

The Russo brothers are big fans of Tom Brady and are excited to work with him. "We want to bring his story, and the story of the game he loves, to the big screen in a way that gives audiences an experience of football that they've never had before," they said to Deadline.

As for Brady, he said about Unseen Football, "I believe in the essence of teamwork, and I have no doubt, our team will create the most magical experience for people to enjoy."

Brady said in a post on Instagram that the name 199 Productions comes from how he was drafted 199th in the 2000 NFL Draft. Brady would of course go on to become one of the most successful and celebrated QBs in the history of the game.

The New England Patriots superstar is entering free agency for the first time in his career later this month, meaning he is free to sign with any team he wants. Whether or not he stays at New England is one of the most discussed topics in football right now. Brady offered a tease in his Instagram post, saying, "Stay tuned.. exciting times are ahead, both on and off the field."

Brady is not the first sports megastar to set up a Hollywood production company. NBA icon LeBron James launched SpringHill Entertainment, which has produced numerous TV shows and movies, and it's also behind the upcoming Space Jam reboot that will star James in the lead role.

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