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This Xbox Gift Card Deal Gets You Free Money, Just In Time For Starfield

Amazon is selling $100 Xbox Store gift cards for $90 right now.


Xbox Store gift cards are typically sold at a 1:1 rate, but right now Amazon is selling $100 digital gift cards for $90. Last time Amazon offered this deal, it disappeared quickly, so you may want to hurry. This deal is good timing on Amazon's part with Starfield's launch on the horizon. In fact, it's the perfect denomination for Starfield's $100 Premium edition, which launches tomorrow, September 1.

So what can these codes be spent on, once redeemed? You can use them on the Xbox Store to acquire new games (such as Starfield), DLC, media content, premium in-game currencies, and even Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Considering Starfield is launching day one on Game Pass for Xbox and PC (September 6), putting the gift card toward a membership makes sense, too.

For anyone looking for something more tangible, Xbox Store gift cards are also valid on physical items like Xbox Series X|S consoles, controllers, and accessories. If you need an Xbox Series X|S for Starfield, you can buy multiple gift cards at this price. Essentially, you'll wind up getting the Xbox Series X for $450 (with five gift cards) or the Xbox Series S for $270 (with three gift cards).

There are no fees or expiration dates attached to these game cards, so if you're looking to grab a few (generous) stocking-stuffer gifts ahead of Christmas, this is a great option to consider. It's also worth noting that the gift cards are activated in local currency, so when you buy one, it will only work in the country where it was purchased.

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