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This My Hero Academia-Themed Crate Comes With Tons Of Japanese Snacks

Taiyaki and more.


Season 3 of My Hero Academia is now streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll. The hit superhero show tugs at heartstrings, has plenty of great fight scenes, and apparently inspires some tasty snacks. Funimation, which exclusively streams the dubbed version of My Hero Academia, has partnered with Japan Crate for a bundle based on the anime.

Japan Crate specializes in Japanese snacks and sweets, many of which can be hard to come by if you don't have access to Japanese import stores. The MHA crate includes taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake, and Lifeguard, an energy soda. You can see examples (guest-starring Midoriya) below.

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The crate also includes an exclusive pin and is available on Japan Crate's website through May 31. A subscription costs $30 per month.

For more on My Hero Academia, check out our list of the best anime of 2017. For other shows to watch, see our recommendations for anime to watch on Netflix.

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