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The Sims: More Than a Million Served

Electronic Arts and Maxis have broken the million mark with their life simulator.


Electronic Arts has just announced that The Sims, the life simulator designed by Maxis' Will Wright, has shipped more than a million copies worldwide since its release this February. EA attributes the game's success to its accessibility to the entire spectrum of gamers, from the casual to the enthusiast, and its appeal to women.

"We're extremely pleased with The Sims' sales and the reaction from our customers and the critics," said EA president John Riccitiello. "The Sims has quickly become a cultural phenomenon. Hard-core gamers and casual computer users alike have become fans. In fact, almost a quarter of the game's registrants are women."

EA and Maxis plan to continue support for The Sims by periodically releasing new skins, houses, and utilities, as well as a rumored multiplayer expansion pack for the game. Since its release, The Sims has been the highest-grossing game in North America for 2000. Coincidentally, Maxis' Sim City 3000 was the highest-grossing North American game for 1999.

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