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The Next-Gen Witcher 3 Release Is Still On Track For This Year

CD Projekt has confirmed that players will be able to get their hands on Witcher 3 for PS5 or Xbox Series X|S by the end of the year.


The next-gen release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is still on track for release this year, CD Projekt has confirmed in its latest earnings call, with the slide showing a Q4 2022 release window. The PS5 and Xbox Series X|S editions have been delayed a number of times, originally intended for release in 2021, and then for earlier in 2022.

The Q4 release window means the game should be out between October and December this year, with CD Projekt likely to be aiming for a release in time for the holidays. The release will be a "Complete Edition" of Witcher 3 including all its expansions, with all content enhanced for next-gen consoles. The PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of the game will also come with all-new free DLCs inspired by the Witcher Netflix series.

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Now Playing: Witcher 3 For PS5 & Xbox Series X|S Consoles Release Window Confirmed | GameSpot News

The slides released with CD Projekt's latest earning's call show that the majority of CD Projekt's development teams are currently assigned to Phantom Liberty, the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 expansion, with the next largest team working on the next Witcher game.

While The Witcher 3 is still expected out this year on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, CD Projekt hasn't yet announced a release date for the new editions. Everyone who already owns the Witcher 3 on other platforms will get the next-gen upgrade for free.

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