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The Last Of Us Part 1's PC Release Gets A Short Delay

The port was announced in December.


The PC release of The Last of Us Part 1 has been delayed by just under a month, though it's still coming out in March.

Naughty Dog announced today, February 3, that The Last of Us Part 1 will now be releasing March 28, an almost four-week delay from its original March 3 release date. "We know a lot of you have been revisiting the story that started it all with The Last of us Part 1 on PlayStation 5 console, and we realize many of you have been excited to jump in--some for the first time--when Part 1 hits PC," reads the statement from Naughty Dog, in reference to fans revisiting the game following the release of the HBO show.

"And so we want to make sure that The Last of Us Part 1 PC debut is in the best shape possible. These additional few weeks will allow us to ensure this version of The Last of Us lives up to your, and our, standards." Naughty Dog also thanked fans for their support and enthusiasm, promising it would have more to share about the PC port soon.

The effects of the HBO show definitely can't be understated on recent success for The Last of Us on PS5, as sales jumped by more than 200%, with The Last of Us: Remastered (the PS4 version of the game) also jumping up by more than 300% on the boxed UK sales charts.

As well as the games seeing growth, the show has increased its audience week over week too, with the recent third episode having its biggest Sunday viewership yet.

Naughty Dog announced that The Last of Us Part 1 would be coming to PC at The Game Awards in December, though it was only a brief announcement, with no details on what players could expect from the port.

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