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The Game Awards Sales Offers Big Discounts On PC And Console Games

Get Deathloop, Resident Evil Village, and plenty more games at a low price in these sales that celebrate The Game Awards 2021.


Last night, The Game Awards sent the gaming year off with kudos, deep dives into upcoming games, and some surprise reveals. If you're looking to keep the celebrations going with a few new digital acquisitions, then now's a great time to score a few deals on some of the best games of the year, including many of the nominees up for awards tonight.

A number of digital storefronts have started listing several of their games at a discounted price in celebration of The Game Awards, with Xbox, PSN, Switch eShop, Humble, Steam via Green Man Gaming, the Epic Games Store, and Ubisoft's own storefront joining in on the fun. You can have a look at the highlights of the sales, in the lists below:

Best Xbox Game Awards Deals

The Xbox sale is one of the biggest, offering a number of old favorites at a reduced price, as well as a selection of some of this year's hottest games. Call of Duty Vanguard, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Resident Evil Village are some of the biggest names here, while you can also score Death's Door and Assassin's Creed Valhalla for a solid price.

Best Steam Game Awards Deals

Nothing too major here, but if you're into PC gaming, then you can't go wrong with a few discounts on games like Age of Empires 4, Control, and No Man's Sky.

Best Epic Games Store Game Awards Deals

Epic's own storefront has a more varied selection of discounts to help kick of Game Awards hype. Battlefield 2042 is a noteworthy example, while Kena: Bridge of Spirits is an absolute delight with its charming visuals and world design.

Best Ubisoft Store Game Awards Deals

Not exactly surprising news here, but the discounts that Ubisoft has on some of its biggest franchises are nothing to be sneezed at.

Best Switch eShop Game Awards Deals

Nintendo's deals include a mix of third and first-party games. Octopath Traveler is a delightful old-school RPG with a unique aesthetic, Carrion turns you into a biological superweapon with a thirst for blood, and Splatoon 2 is still the best squid game you can play on that console.

Best PlayStation Store Game Awards Deals

The PlayStation sale largely has the same discounts as the other platforms, but there are a few exclusive gems to find here. Deathloop is at half-price, Demon's Souls has been discounted heavily, and Kena: Bridge of Spirits is down to just $28.

Best Humble Store Game Awards Deals

And finally, the Humble Store has a great selection of blockbusters and indies up for grabs. Borderlands 3 is fun anarchy, Death Stranding is a weird journey across a ruined world, and Streets of Rage 4 is still one of the best beat 'em ups of all time.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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