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The Division 2 Major Updates Aren't Finished, More Content Coming This Year

The game has been out for nearly two years, but community support has changed Ubisoft's mind on stopping new content development.


The Division 2 released back in 2019 and despite improving nearly everything compared to the first game, including combat, mission structure, and progression, the game underperformed for Ubisoft. However, dedicated players have continued supporting it, and this support has convinced Ubisoft to continue developing new content for 2021.

In a post on the game's official Twitter account, Ubisoft said it had reversed course after previously planning to not develop any more major updates for The Division 2.

"Some of you had noticed that Title Update 12 was originally meant to be the last major Title Update for The Division 2, but thanks to your continued support, we are now in the early stages of development for fresh content to release later in 2021," the post said. "While it is still too early to go into more details today, you won't have to wait too long, as we will share more as soon as we can."

The Division 2 certainly had less extensive work needed to improve it post-launch than another open-world shooter from Ubisoft: Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Buggy and with role-playing elements included that didn't fit the franchise, it got a critical thrashing and poor sales that led to Ubisoft offering a mode called "The Ghost Experience" with more traditional shooter gameplay.

The Division 2 isn't the only project developer Ubisoft Massive is working on, either. The studio is also creating an open-world Star Wars game, as well as a project based on James Cameron's Avatar. We know very little about either, but the Star Wars project sounds like it isn't releasing anytime soon. Previously, EA had been exclusively publishing new Star Wars games on consoles, and despite this change, it will keep releasing Star Wars games alongside Ubisoft.

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