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TGS: Sega Shows Virtua Striker 2

TOKYO - Still popular in most Japanese arcades, Virtua Striker 2: Version 2000 for the Dreamcast gets displayed.


TOKYO - A sizeable portion of Sega's booth was dedicated to its upcoming Dreamcast version of Virtua Striker 2: Version 2000. And with good reason – the game is still quite popular in many arcades across Japan. Looking every bit as good as the arcade version, Sega is no doubt hoping that the game will be another arcade port with enough power to attract people to its Dreamcast system.

Virtua Striker 2: Version 2000 is set to kick off on the Dreamcast this December at a price of 5800 yen (US$55). Make sure to take a browse through our new shots direct from the show.

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