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TGS: First Look at Chocobo Stallion

TOKYO – Although not playable on the show floor, Square has given us a peak at Chocobo Stallion for the PlayStation.


TOKYO - As first reported by GameSpot News last week, Chocobo Stallion is currently in development for the PlayStation. Being developed for Square by ParityBit, the developers of the popular Derby Stallion for the PlayStation (which sold 1.81 units in Japan – the fifth best selling PlayStation title ever), Chocobo Stallion is looking very similar to the previous Derby Stallion hit. Actually, Chocobo Stallion is practically the same game as Derby Stallion, only this time around you breed Chocobos.

The game works like this: You breed two base Chocobos (a mother and a father) in order to begin a bloodline. Then, you must develop this bloodline by breeding it further. And in order to pay for breeding inspections and making enhancements to your farm you must race your Chocobos.

Chocobo Stallion is currently slated for a release this winter in Japan. It will be compatible with the PocketStation in order to exchange Chocobo DNA with others.

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