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Take-Two's E3 Lineup

PC lineup includes Jagged Alliance 2 and Hidden and Dangerous


Take-Two Interactive announced its E3 lineup Tuesday. It will feature two developers under its umbrella - Rockstar Games and Talonsoft - as well as a separate Gathering of Developers booth, where Take-Two will mainly handle distribution.

One highlight is a surprise from Talonsoft, which will be showing off the highly anticipated (and delayed) Jagged Alliance 2, developed by Sirtech Canada, as well as Hidden and Dangerous, developed by Illusion Software. Take-Two is identifying Talonsoft with a "military simulations" label, so more simulation-type games (as well as traditional wargames) can be expected from the company in the future.

Rockstar Games will be showing a number of console games, including Grand Theft Auto 2 (PS), Thrasher: Skate & Destroy (PS), Earthworm Jim 3D (N64), Monster Truck Madness 64 (N64), Max Payne (Dreamcast), Wild Metal Country (Dreamcast), KISS Psycho Circus (Color Game Boy), Evel Knievel (Color Game Boy), and Grand Theft Auto (Color Game Boy).

Take-Two will be publishing a number of console games under its own name, including Railroad Tycoon 2 (PS), Darkstone (PS), Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (PS, Fisherman's Bass Hunter (N64), and a number of Game Boy Color games.

"Our game lineup for E3 demonstrates the changes that have taken place within Take-Two over the past year," said Ryan Brant, CEO of Take-Two Interactive. "Not only are we showing a large number of titles and supporting every platform, but we are also moving toward our twin goals of publishing a diverse range of titles and supporting discrete publishing labels which will add clarity to retailers and consumers alike."

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