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Swords & Sorcery Revisited

Once the property of Virgin, Swords & Sorcery is back on track with Westwood.


Westwood Studios says that Swords & Sorcery: Come Devils, Come Darkness, an epic RPG from legendary RPG designer D. W. Bradley, will be released during the summer of '99.

Formally to be published by the now defunct Virgin Interactive, Swords & Sorcery is the first title to come out of D. W. Bradley's new development house - Heuristic Park. The game combines classic RPG gameplay with statistics, spell casting, and character classes. Gamers build parties of up to six characters from ten races (from humans to dwarves) and 15 character classes (from warriors to monks).

"This is the game I've always wanted to make," said Bradley, the creative force behind Sirtech's Wizardry V, VI, and VII. "With Swords & Sorcery, we're giving players an amazing amount of freedom with character development, control, viewpoint, and combat. The result, I think, will be as pure an RPG experience as you can have without a bag full of 12-sided dice."

And keeping up with other games in the genre, Swords & Sorcery players can play from a first- or third-person view and choose the point of view of any party member.

Westwood Online will provide multiplayer support for the game, and players will be able to use characters from the single-player levels in the multiplayer levels with all of their inventory, stats, and abilities.

Swords & Sorcery covers three environments in four regions in the world of Gael-Serran. Your goal is to find the Staff of Death to destroy the evil high priest Cet Ude D'ua Khan who has threatened to take over your world.

Here are some early screenshots of what RPG fans can expect from the title.

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