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Sudden Strike Screenshots

Take a look at this WWII real-time strategy game from Strategy First.


Strategy First sent us a copy of its upcoming World War II real-time strategy game Sudden Strike. The game was developed by German studio CDV Software. It features Russian, French, German, British, and American troops and units in a variety of detailed scenarios. Troops can be garrisoned inside buildings, players can call in air strikes, and artillery units can be hooked to vehicles in order to move them more easily. Each map can contain up to 1000 units at a time, and the game's multiplayer mode can support up to 12 players on four different teams.

For more information about the game, take a look at our collection of Sudden Strike screenshots, movies, and articles or download the playable demo linked below.

Sudden Strike is scheduled for release at the end of January for an approximate retail price of US$39.99.

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