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Street Fighter Live-Action Movie Is Officially Coming

The series' film and TV rights were acquired by Legendary Entertainment.


A new live-action Street Fighter movie is coming via Legendary Entertainment--the company behind Detective Pikachu and the Warcraft movie.

Capcom confirmed the news following a report from The Hollywood Reporter. Alongside the film company, Capcom will be co-producing the movie. No information was given on a plot or characters for the project, but the official Street Fighter Twitter account promised more news in the future.

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Now Playing: Street Fighter 6 - 20 Minutes of Ken Gameplay

The Street Fighter series has gotten multiple film adaptations, but arguably its most famous is the 1994 movie aptly titled Street Fighter. This film stars Jean-Claude Van Damme as Colonel Guile; Ming-Na Wen as Chun-Li; and Raul Julia as General Bison.

The first Street Fighter installment launched in arcades in 1987, with its sequel serving as one of the most important fighting games of all time. Since then, numerous entries have released, with the most recent mainline installment, Street Fighter V, launching in 2016. Street Fighter focuses on competitive battles, with a slew of characters to choose from including Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, and Guile.

Street Fighter 6 is planed for release on June 2, 2023, for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and arcade.

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