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Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin PC Requirements Are Very Modest

You won't need much PC power to help you defeat chaos in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.


With its March 18 release date quickly approaching, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin publisher Square Enix has revealed the minimum and recommended PC specifications for the game if you plan to play it on that platform.

Jack Garland's journey will see him tangle with plenty of chaos along the way in battles that require some fast reflexes in this Team Ninja-developed game, but the hardware requirements are quite forgiving. If your PC is on par with the best hardware of 2016 and you don't mind making a few graphical concessions, you should be good to go.

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Older AMD Radeon and Nvidia GPUs will do fine, but it's worth noting that Square Enix didn't specify what level of performance the minimum settings are aimed at achieving.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin PC Specifications


  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • AMD Ryzen 5 1400 or Intel Core i7-6700
  • 8 GB RAM
  • AMD Radeon RX 470 or Nvidia GeForce 1060 6 GB
  • 80 GB storage space
  • DirectX compatible sound card and DirectX 9.0c


  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • AMD Ryzen 5 1600 or Intel Core i7-8700
  • 16 GB RAM
  • AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT or Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super
  • 80GB storage space
  • DirectX compatible sound card and DirectX 9.0c

While Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin has an ultimately serious tone as it charts Garland's quest to destroy chaos, the game has also shown off a sillier side in marketing materials lately. There's the recent gameplay video that confirmed Garland's fondness for Butt Rock, while the last trailer committed fully to sampling Frank Sinatra's iconic My Way song.

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins will release on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S, as well as PS4 and Xbox One this month. For more on the upcoming game and how it plays like a Ninja Gaiden version of Dark Souls, check out our impressions of the Strangers of Paradise demo that released last October.

Some new content for the game might also be shown off in tonight's State of Play event that's focused on Japanese-developed games, as a new demo for the game will also be available soon.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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