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Steam Deck Site Will Let You See How Compatible Your Games Are On The Handheld System

Valve has an official website dedicated solely to checking how compatible your gaming library is with the Steam Deck.


Valve has released a new tool that lets you see how compatible your Steam library is with the Steam Deck.

Verified means that a game will work as intended on the Steam Deck, Playable requires some tweaking in the settings from users, and Unknown is for games that Valve has yet to check the compatibility of. Lastly, Unsupported is used for games that will not work on the Steam Deck.

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Now Playing: Steam Deck - Everything To Know

If you're interested, you can try it out by logging in to your Steam account through this link, although it's worth noting that Valve is constantly adding new titles to the program as it tests out its library of games. Don't be too worried if your favorite game doesn't appear on the list yet.

For a game to pass with Verified flying colors, it needs to support the native Steam Deck resolution and provide a seamless experience for the user. Most games will be compatible, although there are outliers such as Fortnite and Rainbow Six Siege due to anti-cheat software not playing nicely with the Steam Deck operating system.

The first wave of Steam Decks are scheduled to ship on February 28. For more information, here's everything we know about the Steam Deck, including CD Projekt's digital storefront GOG not offering support for its games on the default OS, replacement parts being sold through iFixit, and AMD FSR support for games being confirmed.

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