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Steam Deck Confirmation Emails Go Out Today, Verification Site Live

The long-awaited handheld could be in your hands as early as next week.


If you were among the first batch of people to reserve a Steam Deck last year, make sure you're checking your inbox. Valve is sending out final confirmation emails today--and you'll only have 72 hours to complete your purchase, otherwise, it'll be passed to the next person in line.

Emails began going out at around 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Once it arrives, you'll be able to make your final payment, confirm your shipping details, and (barring any delays) likely get your hands on Steam Deck next week.

Steam Deck might finally be on its way to consumers, but the official dock for Steam Deck is still in development. The dock will let you easily connect your Steam Deck to an external display, and it also has USB ports for peripherals. That said, you can connect the Steam Deck to a monitor or TV without the dock. Valve said its launch "won't be happening as early as [it] wanted," but the team is shooting for a late spring arrival.

Additionally, there are now several Steam Deck features built into Steam itself. A "Great On Deck" page lets you know which games should work without any issues, and there is now a Steam Deck verification status on individual game pages so you can easily pick them out while you're browsing--along with a new site to verify compatibility on any games you already own.

If you're interested in reserving a Steam Deck today, you can put down $5 to get your name on the waitlist. Due to its high demand, however, Valve doesn't expect to ship these until at least the second half of the year.

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