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This Action Movie Star Makes a Surprising Star Wars 7 Cameo

[POTENTIAL SPOILERS] The action movie star's role, revealed.



It has been revealed that one of the biggest names in the cast for Star Wars: The Force Awakens does not have a credit--and in fact, never reveals his face at all. Entertainment Weekly have confirmed that James Bond star Daniel Craig plays one of the Stormtroopers in the blockbuster movie.

Craig's cameo was rumoured a few months ago, as Spectre, the latest 007 adventure, was filming at London's Pinewood studios at the same time as The Force Awakens. Craig denied it at the time stating: "Why would I ever bother doing something like that? F**king hell! Play an extra in another movie?"

However, it seems that the actor did in fact find time between takes to wander over to the Star Wars set to slip on the famous armour. He appears in a key scene in the movie, and even has a line of dialogue.

Two other notable voices that are (sort-of) heard in the movie are comedians Bill Hader and Ben Schwartz. The pair provided sounds that make up the voice of new droid hero BB-8, and are listed as "BB-8 Voice Consultants" in the closing credits.

"[It was] JJ [Abrams, director] f**king round with this sound effects app on his iPad that was attached to a talk box operated by me," Hader told Hitflix. "It looked ridiculous but it made BB-8's voice. At first I tried doing a voice, but we all agreed it sounded too human."

Schwartz added on Twitter: "You're looking at a bonafide BB-8 voice over consultant. Quite possibly the hardest and coolest secret I've ever had to keep."

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is directed by JJ Abrams and stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher.

For more, check out GameSpot's spoiler-free review of the film.

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