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Star Citizen Raised $35 Million In 2017

The ambitious PC space game made more than DOUBLE what the 700 games on Kickstarter made last year.


Star Citizen raised a lot of money in 2017. According to data collected by Polygon, the super-ambitious PC space sim raised $34.91 million last year, which is down from $36.11 million the year prior. In total, Star Citizen has raised an astonishing $175.9 million, according to the game's own publicly available funding data. Note that these figures do not include money given back via returns, but even with those accounted for, the number is surely still huge.

To put the $34.91 million in perspective, it's more than double the money ($17.25 million) that the more than 700 Kickstarter video game projects brought in, combined, in 2017. It's been two years running that Star Citizen's own yearly funding tally has more than doubled the combined efforts of every video game project on Kickstarter.

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Star Citizen launched on Kickstarter in 2012 and made its original funding goal of $500,000 in a week. The campaign ended with $2.1 million. Developer Cloud Imperium then shifting funding to its own website where it has brought in millions and millions through the sale of ships and, more recently, parcels of land throughout the in-game universe.

The game's development is being led by Chris Roberts, who designed the Wing Commander games (and directed the 1999 Freddie Prinze Jr. starring movie of the same name).

In other Star Citizen news, Crytek is suing Cloud Imperium over breach of contract and copyright infringement claims. Crytek is suing based on the claim that the the Star Citizen studio did not live up to the promises it made for using Crytek's CryEngine. Cloud Imperium says the lawsuit is "meritless" and that it is prepared to fight "vigorously" in court if it has to.

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Edited By Reavern

As usual, Gamespot selectively reports on Star Citizen's funding and legal battle with Crytek, instead of anything about THE GAME! Star Citizen released Alpha 3.0 two weeks ago, which was a huge update with 3 moons to explore. Or the Squadron 42 vertical slice video that features Mark Hamill. But NOTHING from Gamespot. Gamespot's bias is so blatantly malicious. They've done nothing but undermine Star Citizen by tainting gamers' opinions about the game.

If Star Citizen was being produced by one of the big evil game publishers, like EA or Ubisoft, which pay for advertising on Gamespot, they'd be hyping Star Citizen like they did for SW Battlefront 2 or Assassin's Creed Origins. But because Star Citizen is basically an indie PC game -- the most ambitious and well funded indie game ever -- Gamespot refuses to cover it like they would any other game.

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Edited By Thanatos2k

@reavern: No one cares about alphas and vertical slices. We care about release dates. Is there one? Or just more funding rounds?

Saying Gamespot refuses to cover it like other games is patently wrong. Gamespot does not report on game alphas. Gamespot does not report on game vertical slices.

Gamespot reports on betas. Gamespot reports on trailers and marketing presentations. Star Citizen has neither. Look around at other stories today and you'll see reports on stuff like that. Monster Hunter World beta article for example.

So quit crying about games media. If Star Citizen is close to releasing their game, they'll get the reporting on that. Are they? Will they ever be?

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Edited By HansYolo

@Thanatos2k: You know what happens when you care about release dates more than anything else? Mass Effect Andromeda.

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@hansyolo: And if you don't care, you get Final Fantasy 15.

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@Thanatos2k: lol gamespot used to report on every million they made. They didn't even report on 3.0 launching the city building system they created, the single player demo(which should be released to backers), their partnering with Intel, or any other advancements. They just like 90% of the other media outlets are on strict orders to only show negative news or try to spin things into negative news. If this game succeeds real AAA devs won't need publishers anymore and create the games we want them to. Because they can get their money through crowed funding and maintain creative control over their product

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@ccgod: The fact that it's been 6+ years with countless millions consumed shows EXACTLY why publishers are needed.

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Edited By Reavern

@Thanatos2k: 6+ years? The Kickstarter campaign for Star Citizen started October 2012 and finished November 2012. It's January 2018. How is that 6+ years?

Considering all the ignorant hate and lies that you've pulled out of your ass, I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that you can't do elementary math.

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@reavern: Shall I make my statement again next January when it's been 6+ years and still no release?

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@Thanatos2k: No, because I'm certain you'll make up new lies by then.

Regardless, Squadron 42 is scheduled for release in 2018. Based on the Squadron 42 Vertical Slice, the first Episode of the singleplayer campaign is nearly complete, so it should be released this year.

But no matter what, ignorant haters like you will deny reality.

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@reavern: That's not even Star Citizen. According to them from the Crytek lawsuit - it's a completely different game!

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Edited By Reavern

@Thanatos2k: Not surprised that you're as ignorant as Crytek.

Why don't you watch Chris Robert's Star Citizen Kickstarter Pitch Video (for the first time, obviously). In the video, CR continuously refers to Star Citizen as a game, singular. He says, "I want to build a universe. I want to build the game that I always wanted to, but I didn't have the tools to do until now. One that you can fly off a carrier, fighting a heroic war on the front lines. But also one that you can muster out, and find your fortune in the stars, wherever your space ship takes you. I want to share this experience with my friends, and fight against real opponents in space, not just AI."

CR is describing a single game with both a singleplayer story-&-character-driven campaign, Squadron 42, that leads directly into the online persistent universe, Star Citizen. It's no different than any game with both SP and MP. No one would argue that Call of Duty WWII's multiplayer is a different game than the singleplayer campaign. Or Mass Effect. Or Star Wars Battlefront 2. Or the Wing Commander games. Why would Star Citizen be any different? It makes no sense!

That aspect of Crytek lawsuit is total bullshit.

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@Thanatos2k: I wouldn't even say the 1st two years even count as dev time as the game was butchered and then brought all in house once he got a lot of money and the projects was expanded. Anthem is a AAA game from the devs that made the good mass effects and it's had about the same dev time and isn't due out until Dec 2018 at the earliest. Compare the scopes of what each game is going to do CIG has come a long way and will finish

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@Thanatos2k: wait wait... so you're saying it's fine for them to make articles about funding but not about anything this funding leads to?

which gives misinformation that the game isn't actually getting anywhere? ( I mean we all know why GS does this because it brings out all the zealots from both sides spouting nonsense giving GS more clicks, look at the frigging article title for f**** sake, if that isn't a title to draw in the usual "scam citizen" comments then what is?)

"Gamespot reports on trailers and marketing presentations. Star Citizen has neither." you know once a year Roberts holds his own expo, you can look this up there's some brilliant footage and then he goes to other Expos and shows off new stuff at them, none of which I see here

and before you come back with some comment about how I'm a evangelical backer blah blah I've spent no money and i'm sitting back playing other games patiently waiting for a full release or a larger Beta experience because it's not like there aren't other games to play right?

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Edited By Reavern

@Thanatos2k: Oh really? Gamespot doesn't cover game alphas? What about PUBG, jackass? What about Fortnite? ARK, The Long Dark, Darkest Dungeon, Don't Starve, Besiege, Subnautica. All of them are or were Alpha/Early Access games that have been covered extensively by Gamespot.

Cloud Imperium Games has released abundant content about the Star Citizen's development, including multiple videos every week for 3+ years. There have been countless game trailers, promo videos, convention presentations, live demos, and live streaming events. Gamespot has not reported on most of them. Whereas Gamespot conspicuously does report on anything negative regarding Star Citizen, like the legal battle with Crytek, as well as things that are spun negatively, like how much crowdfunding the game has made. Gamespot refuses to report on anything positive because CIG doesn't bribe them with ads like the big evil game publishers.

And BTW, I just discovered that Gamespot has reported on the Squadron 42 vertical slice; they published this video yesterday. (I'm big enough to give credit where credit is do, and admit when I make a mistake. It only took Gamespot two weeks!) Strangely, Gamespot didn't publish an article on their site about the Squadron 42 vertical slice (because no notification was sent), or even a link to their own video in the article above. I wonder why!?!

So obviously you don't know WTF you're talking about and are simply defending whatever Gamespot does because you're a f***ing lapdog.

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Edited By Thanatos2k

@reavern: Pubg and the others mentioned are early access products being sold, not an alpha. You really don't know the difference?

And you're basing your entire insult laden post on this flawed premise?

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@Thanatos2k: If you think there's a distinct difference between Early Access games that are sold on Steam and a Star Citizen pledge package that grants access to the Alpha, you're ignorant and/or completely full of shit.

This is the definition of an Early Access Game:

"Early access, early funding, alpha-access or paid-alpha is a funding model in the computer game industry by which consumers can pay for a game in the various development cycles (pre-alpha, alpha, beta) and obtain access to the pre-full-release versions of the game, while the developer is able to use those funds to continue work on the game." Source

This is how Steam defines Early Access:

"What is Early Access?

Get immediate access to games that are being developed with the community's involvement. These are games that evolve as you play them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content."

Steam doesn't use the terms Alpha or Beta, but Early Access is just another term for a Paid Alpha/Beta. It's obvious you don't know WTF you're talking about.

Steam Early Access games aside, there are also plenty of Kickstarter games that Gamespot covered during their development, other than Star Citizen: Elite Dangerous, Divinity 1 & 2, Pillars of Eternity, Shovel Knight, Superhot, FTL, Friday the 13th, Hollow Knight, Torment: Tides of Numenera, The Banner Saga, Broken Age, Wasteland 2, That Dragon Cancer, Amplitude, The Escapists, Sunless Sea, Gods Will Be Watching, Undertale, and plenty of other games.

Not that I expect these facts to make a difference because ignorant, pig-headed people cannot be reasoned with because you're inherently stupid and irrational.

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DaVillain  Moderator  Online

@reavern: 1+

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Sounds like No Man's Sky type of hype x10, and we all know what happened with that.

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DaVillain  Moderator  Online

@Triton: Apples to Orange my friend.

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@davillain-: I agree, and rotten ones at that.

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mogan  Moderator

@Triton: It doesn't sound like there's much hype at all for this game. I don't know if the existing backers keep kicking in more money, or if there's some secret source of Star Citizen hype I just don't know about, but No Man's Sky was getting articles on sites like this left and right, developers were on late night shows, Sony was putting the game in their E3 pressers, the whole nine yards. Star Citizen has ... youtube videos and their own forums? The only time we hear about it here is when they pass some kind of crowd funding milestone.

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@Mogan: The only reason we've been hearing about Star Citizen is because they need to raise money. But the game is at no place to start doing marketing and propaganda. Maybe in two years the game will be ready to announce their release date and only then they will start advertising.

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Edited By moriwenne

@Mogan: You are making the wrong comparison my friend. The attention NMS had, that you mentioned, was due to it's upcoming launch (and also because SONY joined as a publisher at that point). When SC is ready to launch you will hear about it non stop.

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mogan  Moderator

@moriwenne: You know, I'll bet that doesn't happen. I'm betting Star Citizen pulls an ARC, where it's in early access so long that, when it actually does "release" there's almost no fanfare at all. Anybody who is interested in the game will have been playing a slowly evolving version of it for ages when 1.0 launch version hits and doesn't really change much from the .9x version everyone had been playing before.

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@Mogan: That won't happen mate and I'll tell you why, it's because this is an mmorpg. It will require a fixed point in time with a reset so everyone starts fresh at level 0 with no gear. Game progression hasn't been introduced yet so it's hard to see this aspect of the game yet but when everything is in place they will reset everything and basically begin the game. That point in time will be the launch to give everyone a leveled playing field.

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@Triton: yea people were scammed and they lied about the project and sony got on board with it. Was a quick scam to get money nothing more just playing off peoples emotions about this game

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I hope this turns out a magnificent game and not a flop.i will never understand all these people that paid 3000$ for ships etc even if you dont care about money at would have more fun throwing them in the street and seeing peoples reaction...

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mogan  Moderator

@games2525: I would like to think that most people hope Star Citizen turns out good. A good game is better for everybody than a bad one. I have no money in Star Citizen, so I wont be out anything if it tanks, but I'd still rather play a cool space sim than not.

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@games2525: As far as I'm concerned, the paying for ships and land is the only thing that lends credibility to the "scam" comments. It's like the ultimate dream of what EA and Activision would eventually want to do with all of their games. The actual game looks like it's making progress every time I see it.

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The ignorance in so many of these comments is hilarious. It's a cry for attention or hopping on the bandwagon. The reason they let people play current builds and release dev videos is so you cry babies wouldn't wine about it being a scam and be able to see the game being built. But I guess "hurrr scam citizen is a scam cuz muh crowdfunding" is more believable than all the stuff they put out for you to see that it's not a scam.

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Sounds like they took you for a lot of money, too.

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@rmokeefe76: wow what a compelling argument. Sounds like you don't know jack shit about the game and just assume that cause pessimism is edgy

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@connorman01: somebody's triggered. big time.

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@rmokeefe76: wow it's almost like you really don't know Jack shit about the game and can only say "hurrr triggered u mad bro"

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Edited By Rmokeefe76

@connorman01: Been following it for six years - it's the biggest kickstarter scam of all time, ha.

By the time it releases, it'll look and feel outdated.

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@rmokeefe76: thats like saying "im a math expert, i know for a fact that 2+2=6." If you had been following it even the slightest bit, you'd see all the progress they've made. Any autist could see that they have sunk way too much money and man power into the game for it to be a scam.

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Edited By Rmokeefe76

@connorman01: "Any autist could see that they have sunk way too much money and man power into the game for it to be a scam".

Congratulations on recognizing the precise reason it's a scam and simultaneously proving my point.

Like you said, they've "sunk way too much money and man power" into it. Yet they continue to miss project deadlines and release-date estimates...all the while happily continuing to raise funds, haha. They're a joke and have no idea how to budget. Progress means nothing to investors. Results do. Yet they can't meet their own deadlines.

You seem to be one of the only gullible ones, as I see you're in verbal wars with multiple people in this thread, defending the exact same pipe dream each time.

Like I said, by the time it comes out, it will be outdated. You want to talk math? How about that Star Citizen's initial release date was over 3 years ago, but now we're entering year 7 with no release date in sight, hahahaha.

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Oh man, this is shaping up to be the biggest flop in gaming history.

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Edited By LiveDreamPlay

@Prats1993: You know that people can play current builds, right? It's not some behind the curtain development, you can test it yourself or see videos, and get your money back if you don't like it.

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@livedreamplay: A lot of people are ignorant to that fact!

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@ltjohnnyrico: It really exposes the fact that it's only non-players that are making negative comments. I rarely see anyone who has actually played the current builds complaining.

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@NaturallyEvil: indeed .. i like the current build and i have only put about $30 into the game and its better value than some of the crap that gets released!

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@ltjohnnyrico: I've not played and i'm not a backer but what I am is someone capable of spending 30 seconds on google to look up all the footage that's available (not that I've done that since he procedural planetary tech was shown off, I may spend the evening looking at the new stuff) and someone who's capable of comprehending that a game of this scale takes time to create

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It will be funny when this game ends up being average. People still give them money, for what exactly im wondering??

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@dudebropartyyo: Because it is already above average. It gives opportunities no other game gave to players so far.

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@malibutomi: Fine but it doesnt mean final product cant go down quality wise. We have seen that many times before.

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@dudebropartyyo: Yes this is always a possibility. We can ask ourself tho why this thing happens mosly?
A. Because they need to dumb things down for a console port - SC is PC exclusive.
B. Because the publisher demands the game be released by X date ready or not. - SC doesn't have a publisher.

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Edited By DudeBroPartyYo

@malibutomi: A. They dont need to "dumb" anything down for current consoles if it was to be on them. The only thing thing they could reduce down for console is visuals in some aspects. Dont think you are using "dumb down" in correct context here.

B. Which can be a good thing in a sense otherwise unfinished products can keep dragging on for years and more than often lose their ways. Many amazing games out there which have a publisher that set a release date. And technically its not always up to publishers but investors themselves. In this games case players are investors and if i was one i would demand full polished product at X time.

With money they have they can assemble a very large talented team. Shouldn't take them more than 4 maybe 5 years of full development.

So you are not exactly correct with your points. it happens for many other reasons

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@dudebropartyyo: NO man. They need to dumb down a lot of things. The consoles are not short on GPU power, they are short on the CPU side. So map size, AI, draw distance, etc all comes up to be dumbed down.

"i was one i would demand full polished product at X time."
What would be this time, because you obviously too optimistic on development times. Let me put it in some perspective:

"With money they have they can assemble a very large talented team."
They have 5 studios and 400-450 developers now. What more you want? This wasn't a snap on the finger tho, they grow from 20 to 60 in 2013, 60-150 in 2014, to 260 stong in 2015 and so on.
Keep in mind they didn't get 175 million in 2012 and thats it, they gathered the money over time so they adjusted the team size accordingly.

Shouldn't take them more than 4 maybe 5 years of full development."
So in the light of the above: They started with a dozen people in a basement, they had to build up the studios, teams, accessories, workflow, etc first...they are working on 2 games one of which is the most complicated MMO so far and you want them to finish it in 4-5 years.
Hmm lets see some examples GTA 5: took 5 years to develop, made by a huge established studio, all the money, the team was ready from the beginning and is a single player game not an MMO. Mass Effect Andromeda: took 5 years to develop, made by a huge established studio, all the money, the team was ready from the beginning and is a single player game not an MMO. Cyberpunk 2077: Announced the same year (2012) as SC: made by an established studio, all the money, the team was ready from the beginning and is a single player game not an MMO...nothing was seen from it apart from a teaser, and has an estimated release window between 2019-2021.

So big studios who have everything in place spend 3-4-5 years on single player games, but CIG should finish an MMO+a single player game in the same time while they started from zero, had to built up the company first, rewrite the whole engine, and adjust to money income constantly?

IMHO regarding the facts they started from zero, and had to build up the company first then get to work, they are making a hugely complicated MMO (for which they needed to rewrite most of the engine because no off shelv engine can do what is needed) plus a single player game, and they constantly need to provide playable game parts for backers too i would say the dev time should be 7-8 years to be on par with the usual dev times in the industry. So if they can get close to a feature complete beta by 2019-2020 (which is the last step before live) i would consider that about normal.

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@malibutomi: Thats not dumbing down, its cutting on visuals and other little things. Dumbing something down means making it easy, making it appeal to mainstream, holding your hand. Like i said you are using dumb down in wrong context.

Map size would be just is fine on both PS4 Pro and Xbox One so would AI. Certain graphical aspects would be lowered down, and draw distance as you said but not as much, space is pretty vast and therefore there is a lot of empty space, generating stars in the distance shouldnt be an issue because there is nothing else in sight unlike in any non space open world game.

Ok they started small but from 2015 things should have started moving twice as fast, 260 strong team is plenty. No excuses. So GTA V was done in 5 years so lets give these guys 7 years just because its an MMO, still 400 plus people working on it 7 is still too long.

CD Project Red is not actually that big company, lots of the same team that works on Witcher works on Cyberpunk as well, so its pretty much 2 games at once. If you read CDPR articles after Witcher 3 came out they said after all the DLC is done work on Cyberpunk will resume properly so it wasnt in full development since 2012.

They might have built company from the ground but they didnt hire developers with no experience, they hired people ready to roll. These kinds of devs make their engine as they go which is easier than using someone else's engine then having to rewrite it because game had major changes.

Its cool dude, i understand you like the game and you are defensive of it and people making it. Just cant believe suckers are still paying. I played for about 8 hours, my mate has it, its good but its not great. Also remember sometimes we look at some aspects of a game and think thats so difficult to make but ends up being easy to make, well easy from devs point of view. You can see few influences from other space games in this one so i wouldn't be suprised if they used some developing techniques from them as well.

I'd say they could do all this on CryEngine for example, they just wanted their own, saves money.

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@dudebropartyyo: I'm not gonna edcutae you longare mate kinda bores me, but you are really lack a lot of information. MAP size and AI would be the two most prominent things you need to tone down on the consoles.
SC's map streaming wouldn't even fit in the consoles memory, and even i7 CPUs are struggling with its data, a puny console CU like the Jaguar cores would be ded in the water instantly..dumbing down AI is an easy way to ease the CPU load. SC uses 64 bit positioning to be able to work with million mile sized maps...again plus stress on the CPU.

You know how much devs worked on GTA 5? About 1000 (a thousand).So 400 devs working for 7 years is not too long (especially when you AGAIN forgot that they didn't started with that many).

No they didn't hire devs without experience, they still need to organise them, and build up the workflow, this is not 400 people working each on their own separately.

I'm not defensice, just don't like when people make uneducated guesses.

Cryengine only support 8x8km maps...SC works with few millionkm x few million km sized maps. Cryengine doesn't support planetary bodies (obviously), it doesn't support localized physics grids. So no they couldn't do even 1/10 of what they have now in Cryengine.

So please stop trying to bash the development if you don't have the knowledge or information to make correctopinion.

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Edited By DudeBroPartyYo

@malibutomi: Did 2 year course on development so whatever mate. You are speculating too much. Enjoy the game, its nothing special. You are trying too hard to act like you know how they operate and how things work.

400 plus people 7 years or more, joke.

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