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Spider-Man No Way Home: The More Fun Stuff Version Brings Ol' Web-Head Back To Theaters

This version has more fun stuff in it, we'd reckon.


Just in case you thought Marvel movies were starting to slow down, Spider-Man: No Way Home came around this winter to show us that the MCU is just as bananas and as popular as ever. This September, Spider-Man: No Way Home is coming back to theaters--as if we needed a reason to rewatch it again--with a new More Fun Stuff Version.

Spider-Man: No Way Home: The More Fun Stuff Version is set to return to theaters in the United States and Canada on September 2. Marvel says this is to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Spider-Man's comic book debut and the 20th anniversary of his cinematic debut in the first of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man films.

The More Fun Stuff Version will feature some new and extended scenes--because the two-hour, twenty-eight-minute runtime wasn't already enough. Sony and Marvel haven't yet detailed just how much they're adding back in.

Spider-Man: No Way Home is currently the third highest-grossing movie of all time in the United States, and the sixth at the worldwide box office, despite not releasing in China. For superhero films specifically, it sits behind only Avengers: Endgame.

Tickets for Spider-Man: No Way Home: The More Fun Stuff Version go on sale on August 9, ahead of the September 2 release date.

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