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Spider-Man: Miles Morales Features A Hooded Crimson Cowl Costume

Along with a new look at the T.R.A.C.K suit, the Crimson Cowl shows off Miles in a more incognito style.


We've already seen a couple of alternative costumes for Miles Morales ahead of his debut in Spider-Man: Miles Morales (even one including an adorable cat). But in a new tease for the PlayStation 5 title, Miles' is sporting a new look that features a cowl.

Insomniac Games has released an excerpt from the in-game version of the Daily Bugle, with a piece focused on two new styles that Miles has been seen sporting around the city. The first should be familiar, with the T.R.A.C.K suit being one of the first alternative costumes revealed. But the second is entirely new, with Miles donning a hood in the Crimson Cowl costume.

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In 2018's Marvel's Spider-Man, each costume featured unique abilities that could be used in combat. It's not clear yet what abilities might be attributed to each of Miles' outfits, but it's presumably going to follow the same formula. Abilities could also be used with other costumes once unlocked, letting you look your best while fighting your best at the same time.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is launching on November 12 for both PS4 and PS5, with save game progress carrying over should you start on a current-gen console and move over to Sony's next-gen hardware. The same can't be said for Marvel's Spider-Man, however, which will require a fresh start if you pick up the Miles Morales ultimate edition with Spider-Man: Remastered.

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