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Space Leaper: Cocoon Warps Launches On Android And iOS

Players will be able to travel to multiple planets in Space Leaper: Cocoon.


Damo Games hasreleased its latest RPG card mobile game, Space Leaper: Cocoon, on iOS and Android. The game has had over a million players sign up since its pre-registration in July. All players who use the code "2THEMOON" will receive 100 Diamonds and two Particle Pills.

In Space Leaper: Cocoon, players will be able to create unique teams, explore worlds, and play a variety of missions. The game takes place in 3242 when society collapsed due to a cosmic explosion that happened a decade earlier. Those who survived are now called "Leapers"; they've formed a new home and are tasked with finding cosmic shards to fix the universe. Players will begin the game in the year 2022, and a series of events will find them time-traveling to 3242.

Space Leaper: Cocoon is a free-to-play mobile game published by Damo Games and is available now for iOS and Android on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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