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Sony's Robot Pup Coming

Can Sony's upcoming entertainment pet be the next big thing, or is it just a big Tamagotchi?


Bringing new meaning to the name WalkMan, Sony will introduce its robotic pet, AIBO, on June 1. The canine-like robot is specially programmed with emotions, attitudes, and lots of options for its owner to play with. AIBO, short for artificial intelligence and robot, also takes meaning from the word aibou, meaning partner or pal.

The device is equipped with a CCD camera to search out colors it likes or ways for it to steer around the house. It communicates with its owner with a series of noises and by changing its eye color to denote its emotion. AIBO can hop into game mode where you can have it show off a series of tricks by talking into a walkie-talkie of sorts called the Sound Commander.

The company claims that AIBO has been programmed in such a way that it learns as you play with it, and it will mature after longer periods of time. AIBO can also be programmed with a special AIBO Performer Kit for Windows 95/98 machines. No word on whether a PlayStation 2 program will be available for the device, but with storage on Sony's new Memory Stick - long rumored to be the memory medium for the PlayStation 2 - anything is possible.

Sony is only offering AIBO to Internet customers for a limited time for US$2,500 starting June 1. We're surprised Sony didn't name AIBO, the WalkDog. In any case, AIBO looks like one of the coolest gadgets this side of Sharper Image, and we can't wait to play with one.

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