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Sony Teases A PlayStation Response To Xbox Game Pass

PlayStation has already been trying to compete with Microsoft's popular gaming subscription service, and Sony CEO Jim Ryan hints that more is in store.


Xbox Game Pass is likely the most popular gaming subscription service right now, and all eyes are now on Sony's response to it. In a TASS interview, when asked directly on what Sony might have planned in order to compete with Xbox Game Pass, Sony Interactive CEO Jim Ryan stated that there is "news to come."

Ryan also pointed out that PlayStation does offer a competitor to Xbox Game Pass already. "We have PlayStation Now...and that is available in a number of markets," he stated.

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PlayStation Now is primarily meant for streaming. However, certain games are available for download. Xbox Game Pass games can be played locally or, if on an Android device, via streaming. PlayStation Now's market is also limited compared to Game Pass, with the service only being available in North America, Europe, and Japan.

In the past few years, Sony has already been steadily trying to compete with Xbox Game Pass. In 2019, it cut the monthly price of PlayStation Now from $20 to $10, seemingly in an effort to match Xbox's Game Pass monthly base price of $10. In 2020, Sony announced PlayStation Plus Collection, a service that gives PS Plus subscribers a selection of big PS4 titles. In a interview, Ryan stated, "The great first-party IPs are all there, the great partner titles, and we'd say that if you are new to PlayStation, or if you didn't have a PS4 but are getting a PS5, and you're taking out a PS Plus subscription, you're basically getting PS4 there for the price of the subscription."

Ryan also emphasized that the company will not be emulating certain parts of Xbox Game Pass' strategy. In particular, Ryan disagrees with Microsoft's tactic of releasing new games as soon as they come out on the subscription service. "We are not going to go down the road of putting new releases titles into a subscription model. These games cost many millions of dollars, well over $100 million, to develop. We just don't see that as sustainable," he commented.

It's no secret that the Xbox Game Pass is a big appeal for consumers looking to make a decision between the PlayStation or Xbox console. At $10 a month, players can access over 200 games. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate tier also incorporated EA Play titles recently, adding a bigger slate of games to the subscription service. Ultimate includes Xbox Live Gold, as well. Subscribers essentially never have to buy a new Xbox Game Studios title again, as they are all released through the service the same day they launch traditionally. You can check out our breakdown of Xbox's Game Pass for more information.

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Good luck

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Edited By BDRTFM

That would nice but its going to take a huge investment to make it as good as Game Pass and more specifically, launch day games that come to Game Pass from so many studios. Microsoft has just made a huge acquisition deal and they say they have plans for more in the future. Plus EA Access, xCloud, Play Anywhere, Games with Gold etc. also come with Game Pass. I'd assume a similar deal could be made with PlayStation but, nobody knows for sure. Sony is going to have to spend a lot of money to truly compete. But who knows, maybe they'll have a deal with Squenix and other IP holders to have their games exclusively on Sony's sub. Not sure how they're going to compete with xCloud and Play Anywhere though. Are they going to rent even more servers from Microsoft? That could drive up costs. This is why we need competition, folks. People constantly wish for the death of Xbox. Imagine a world where Sony had zero competition other than Nintendo. Stuff like this would never see the light of day without strong competition.

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In all honesty Xbox games probably cost a lot less to develop than many of the big PlayStation exclusives, yes game pass has lots of games to choose from but most of them are very missable

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@rodoxthedark: You can't use "in all honesty" in a sentence that hinges on "probably".

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@rodoxthedark: Halo, Forza, Gears, Bethesda Acquisition, others. Those costs are equal to or larger than PS exclusives. Not shade being thrown your way, I just don't think this is a good comparison.

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@memrie: Forza reuses old assets. That is why there has always been a quick turnaround for a sequel. That and Gears once got released within a two year cycle. More expensive games take 4 or more years to make. Very few of Microsoft's games, not even all Halo titles, had that quick of a development cycle.

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@memrie: obviously Bethesda is silly cash. But the quality of most exclusives on PlayStation is another level compared to Microsoft’s, the polish and acting in uncharted or last of us is night and day compared to say gears, and it takes money to add that kind of polish, look at gta

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I love competition, it benefits gamers 👍

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Sony can’t afford it and Jim Ryan is a hapless habitual pathetic liar.

Oh, and before I get libeled as a Xbox fanboy, Microsoft is pure evil, it and the other techs have done incalculable damage to society, and it and the other techs should be broken up and federally regulated.

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@GalvatronType_R: No they shouldn't. Success should not be rewarded with government sticking their nose in and breaking up those successful companies. The US government has been trying and failing to do this for years. Every now and again they have a success. Yet that success doesn't always pan out like they hope. They actually won the antitrust case against Microsoft but dropped the idea of breaking up the company and settled with Microsoft to allow others to more easily use and integrate their browser in the US. In parts of EU they had to remove their browser and provide a download link so people could buy Windows without the browser and then just download it for free. They've failed with Apple, Google, Glaxo, Paramount and others. And citizens foot the bill for these failed suits. Companies would start bailing from the US if they were all forced to break up. This is all about Big Tech when the big tech companies are in constant competition with each other. You take them all down or none of them. Good luck with that.

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@bdrtfm: That "success" came from the result of anti-competitive and monopolistic practices. You might think that's a good thing for you now just because you're saving a few dollars on videogames, but you won't think it's a good thing when MS gains control and goes back to selling firehazard consoles, daily online checks for games, and other crazy stuff. Heck, they've already pulled lots of shit already on the PC side.

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Edited By BDRTFM

@Barighm: Games have been $90 + tax for almost a decade here. They're going up another $10. I'm not saving money on games. There haven't been very many cases where breaking up a company led to lower prices in an industry. These companies are not traditional monopolies as they have multiple divisions that compete with each other. I think the answer is to regulate them if they're being anti- consumer rather than destroy them. Apple is the most anti-consumer company on the planet. They're completely destroying the laws and regulations of Right-to-Repair. They went before the US Senate who asked them about their anti-consumer 3rd party repair practices and they lied their asses off or gave answers a politician would be proud of by talking for 20 minutes without saying anything at all. Breaking them up, which they already tried and failed would not fix this behavior. Forcing them to obey current laws will. Breaking them up is akin to throwing out the baby with the bath water. The US Senate decided in the end to do nothing about Apple's behavior. That is the real problem. So now I'm supposed to have all my staff Apple certified and recertified every year. I'm supposed to have a quota of repairs and sales to meet each month or lose Apple Service Center status. I'm supposed to agree to surprise inspections to ensure my building, staff, repair center, tools and parts all meet Apple's standards or I lose my status. If I am no longer an Apple Service Center, I have to submit to these inspections for another 5 years despite no longer dealing with Apple products. If I don't agree to these and many other draconian and expensive rules, I won't have access to genuine Apple parts, won't have access to their flashing utilities and thus cannot repair newer hardware without that hardware being flagged as using non-genuine parts in a big ass warning on the screen every time its turned on even if the part is indeed a genuine Apple part. This is something current laws can fix. No antitrust suit required.

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@Barighm: "firehazard consoles"

LOL, you've lost all creditability.

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release the games on day 1 for FREE and eat the cost....thats what i want

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Good, hopefully Sony ends up feeling they need to put their games on it day 1 as well. If it was up to Sony we would be rebuying any ps4 game at full price this gen. Hackers have exposed that they were making customers pay per game to use a ps2 emulator...

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Edited By Sushiglutton

Reading comments below I note that people still think PS now is only a streaming service (as did I before checking it out in a free trial a couple of weeks ago).

That is only half true. Many games you can download and play locally!

First thing Sony should fix is this part of their messaging!

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Avatar image for cboye18


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I'm not a fan of subscription-based services, but to put the Playstation Now on equal footing with Xbox's Game Pass is kinda ludicrous. It's a streaming service, which makes it inferior already. It also contains PS3 games that should have been backwards compatible. The PS4 library here could've been easily implemented in the PS+ Collection to boost that anemic service. It doesn't help that PS5's lack of features that the Xsex provides are making these flaws more apparent.

Get Jim Ryan out of there ASAP.

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@cboye18: it’s not just streaming you can download them too

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@rodoxthedark: And PS3 BC is way beyond a PS4's capabilities, so that's an unfair argument. Even modern PCs are kind of touch and go with PS3 emulation.

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@Barighm: ☝️💯

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Not interested in either service, but it's good for gamers to have options.

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@Renunciation: I'm with you. Besides, I have been on PS Plus for the past 10 years, give or take. That should be around 250 - 300 games in my PS3 and PS4 library... For around USD5 a month (discounted price when renewing subscription for 12 months in advance, here in New Zealand). Since I haven't played many of these games - no time, since I buy and play 60 - 80 games in every generation, beside PS Plus games - I'd really see no value for another subscription.

Still. For new gamers, with little or no previous involvement - having access to hundred(s) of games as soon as console is unpacked, it is a big deal. If I was a parent, I'd be worried of giving my kid instant access to that many games. Who is going to walk the dog? :)

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PSNow is garbage mainly because of the cloud component involved. If it the games were running on the local system the PSNow would be fantastic.

Really hope this push for cloud gaming dies soon. Stadia should have been a clear warning that it doesn't work.

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@dragonsama: You can download any current gen game.

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@dragonsama: pay more attention, please. A lot of PSNOW involves downloadable games.

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@dragonsama: You can download many of the games and play locally.

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Edited By Izraal

They already have Playstation Now. It's a perfectly legitimate competitor to Game Pass. I have both GP and PS Now, GP is superior, yes, but it's not world apart. PS Now is a great value and a fantastic service.

It's vexing when gaming journalists forget PS Now exists. It's outright bizarre than Sony seems to forget about it.

"We may Playstation Now," they note. Yes, they do. Continue to support the service and update the library, and maybe work to improve its visibility. Clarify to gamers what the service is now is a huge improvement from where it started. That's all that is needed to stay competitive with Game Pass and keep Playstation relevant.

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@izraal: Well, I wouldn't call PS Now a "great value". It should really be part of a PS+ sub.

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@izraal: I think the services are worlds apart. GP ultimate not only has day 1 releases, but it also includes EA play, games with gold, gp for pc, Xbox live, GP for console, xcloud for android and iOS and a months worth of Disney for good measure. Psnow has zero day one releases and only streaming for anything before PS4.

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That hasn't been my experience, speaking as someone who actively subscribes to both services, I find them to be extremely comparable, though as noted I would give the edge to Game Pass, narrowly.

Game Pass, as noted, offers more Day One and "recent" games on its service, and the Perks are very nice as well. PS Now also offers a very large library of downloadable titles, and I am speaking of the PS2 and PS4 games which are locally downloaded just like Game Pass titles, not the PS3 titles that are streaming only.

Even assuming one has a wired connection on their PS4 and a quality internet connection where they can take full advantage of the PS3 streaming titles, I would still say Game Pass is the better service, taken as a whole, but it's not intellectually honest to frame them as a night and day difference.

They both offer hundreds of downloadable titles at a low monthly price point. Game Pass has more new titles, more Day 1 releases, and Perks. PS Now has a large Streaming PS3 library in addition to the downloadable PS2 and PS4 titles, and has more transparency on when limited time titles are leaving the service - something I sincerely wish Game Pass would adopt.

They're both great services, and already occupy the space of the Netflix and Hulu of game subscription services, so to speak. They are both great values, and either one is worth owning hardware solely to use the service.

I own a PS4 slim solely due to the value of PS Now, and many people are purchasing Series S Xbox consoles solely for Game Pass. Either way, the services are great values, so it makes sense.

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@sealionact: EA anything is not a bonus, and never will be.

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Edited By FireDrakeZ

@Barighm: I am having fun with Star Wars Fallen Order right now on EA Play which comes with Gamepass Ultimate. It is definitely a bonus since it still costs a lot more to buy separately.

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@Barighm: Thanks for your opinion. In reality, anything that is offered at no extra cost is by definition a bonus. Titanfall 2 is one of the best sp campaigns on any platform. Jedi fallen order, Battlefield 1, Need for Speed, Battlefront 2 and FIFA are games that I'd gladly pay full price for.

Even if you took EAplay out if the equation, GP still is leagues above and beyond psnow.

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@sealionact: It's not my "opinion" that EA is a horrible developer. They just are. Free crap is still crap.

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@Barighm: Just stop. If you think EA is a horrible developer, that's one issue....but still an opinion. You seem to need GP to be a bad option, and that's why you argued with "anything EA is not a bonus", and that's another issue.....and still an opinion.

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Edited By FireDrakeZ

Sony charges $70 each at the launch of it's first party games on the PS5. That is just for one game.

Gamepass will allow you to play all of Xbox's first party games as well as some third party games on release for just $10 a month. This gives even more value now that Xbox has 23 studios developing games(compared to only 15 for Playstation).

It also would be nice if Sony improves on it's PSNow service by improving streaming up to at least 1080p resolution as opposed to only 720p right now and keep their premium first party games on the service permanently like Gamepass does rather than just for a few months.

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@firedrakez: Number of studios has little to do with value especially if they're pumping out crap. And I'm seeing all sorts of $90 Xbox SX games at Amazon.

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@firedrakez: all i can say is this... New consoles are out in the wild. GP has a lot of pressure on its shoulders to carry the new console generation. Halo has been pushed back already.... soooooo if you buy an XBSX right now... what next gen games do you have at your disposal?The same games that are available for PS5. To me this is a little troubling... mostly due to the fact that a good chunk of your user base will cancel this subscription if there aren't any games on there that they want to play in the next 3-6 months. Especially if there aren't games that showcase the slight hardware advantages that MS has over Sony currently. Hopefully MS can really get some great production out of all these studios that they have acquired. PSNow isn't a bad service, but they definitely need to work on the marketing for the service and bundle it with PS Plus so it isn't an additional monthly sub. For me I will stick to my PS5 and gamepass on the PC, hopefully there will be an exclusive worth talking about by the end of 2021 for MS

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Edited By FireDrakeZ

@thehawk3986: I think you have a skewed experience of Gamepass if you only have the PC version. The libraries for Gamepass on PC are somewhat different than those on Gamepass for Xbox.

The Gamepass for Xbox versions includes dozens of OG Xbox and Xbox 360 exclusives that were never ported on PCs.

They also include third party games where the publishers only allowed their game on the Xbox version and not the PC version like for example Red Dead Redemption 2 earlier this year.

In general the Gamepass for Xbox version has a lot more games than the Gamepass for PC version.

As for Xbox Series X/PC exclusives, the Medium is set to be released on those platforms in a few months. It was supposed to be available at launch but got postponed. Gears Tactics is available right now though for the first time on console.

As for what games to play, the Xbox Series X at launch will have access to almost all the games on Xbox One except for the ones requiring kinect functionality as well as the 600+ OG Xbox and Xbox 360 games originally back compatible on Xbox One many enhanced to 4k with doubling of fps with HDR provided system wide.

I also agree that PSNow which I am subscribed too as well, is a decent service even though most of the premium PS4 exclusives are delayed and only available on a limited time there. It is kind of a shame though that resolution on PSNow is limited to only 720p when it's streaming rivals like XCloud, Stadia and Ge Force Now stream anywhere from 1080p to 4k.

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@firedrakez: Yeah, there are some limitations at times for PC Gamepass members, but honestly its not worth buying a system for. The games that are console only gamepass I have usually already played or owned in my collection. Those games also get gamepass PC releases a little later also like Fallout 76 did.

The upscaled version of an older game is cute, but its a gimmick that wears off quickly imo. None of those BC experiences truly make you feel like you are playing on a next gen console. Especially when you compare them to Spider-Man MM, Demon Souls, and even the playroom game is one more gaming launch feather in the cap of Sony.

I don't want to see MS have another lack luster performance this console gen... The competition is great for all gamers.

I def hope they up the resolution of the PSNow app, because 720p is rough at times lol, but overall I think marketing is there real issue. I feel like they are purposely not pushing the service, because streaming a game just doesnt have the same appeal as downloading a game to your device and playing for the month of your active sub.

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A potential competitor to the Gamepass, huh?

Let the... wait for it... GAMES begin!


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