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Sony Teases A PlayStation Response To Xbox Game Pass

PlayStation has already been trying to compete with Microsoft's popular gaming subscription service, and Sony CEO Jim Ryan hints that more is in store.


Xbox Game Pass is likely the most popular gaming subscription service right now, and all eyes are now on Sony's response to it. In a TASS interview, when asked directly on what Sony might have planned in order to compete with Xbox Game Pass, Sony Interactive CEO Jim Ryan stated that there is "news to come."

Ryan also pointed out that PlayStation does offer a competitor to Xbox Game Pass already. "We have PlayStation Now...and that is available in a number of markets," he stated.

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PlayStation Now is primarily meant for streaming. However, certain games are available for download. Xbox Game Pass games can be played locally or, if on an Android device, via streaming. PlayStation Now's market is also limited compared to Game Pass, with the service only being available in North America, Europe, and Japan.

In the past few years, Sony has already been steadily trying to compete with Xbox Game Pass. In 2019, it cut the monthly price of PlayStation Now from $20 to $10, seemingly in an effort to match Xbox's Game Pass monthly base price of $10. In 2020, Sony announced PlayStation Plus Collection, a service that gives PS Plus subscribers a selection of big PS4 titles. In a interview, Ryan stated, "The great first-party IPs are all there, the great partner titles, and we'd say that if you are new to PlayStation, or if you didn't have a PS4 but are getting a PS5, and you're taking out a PS Plus subscription, you're basically getting PS4 there for the price of the subscription."

Ryan also emphasized that the company will not be emulating certain parts of Xbox Game Pass' strategy. In particular, Ryan disagrees with Microsoft's tactic of releasing new games as soon as they come out on the subscription service. "We are not going to go down the road of putting new releases titles into a subscription model. These games cost many millions of dollars, well over $100 million, to develop. We just don't see that as sustainable," he commented.

It's no secret that the Xbox Game Pass is a big appeal for consumers looking to make a decision between the PlayStation or Xbox console. At $10 a month, players can access over 200 games. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate tier also incorporated EA Play titles recently, adding a bigger slate of games to the subscription service. Ultimate includes Xbox Live Gold, as well. Subscribers essentially never have to buy a new Xbox Game Studios title again, as they are all released through the service the same day they launch traditionally. You can check out our breakdown of Xbox's Game Pass for more information.

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Why can't anyone remember that GP was a response to not having enough games and not keeping up with Sony, so they moved the goal post with their Xbox plans, again!? Sony doesn't need to be or beat GP. Their way of doing things constantly makes MS rethink and change their course.

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@beachbum: Well their answer to lack of games has quickly become a juggernaut. Millions of subs, now includes EA Access (with Ultimate) and the fact that Sony has to respond to it at all just goes to show how great of an idea it was.

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@redviperofdorne: it wasn't even their idea lol. PS Now came first.

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@redviperofdorne: I know 15 million subs sounds like a huge number, but it's not really that much in the grand scheme of things, and MS has already said they're not really making that much money from GamePass.

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Edited By Crazy_sahara

@beachbum: Lol, no one cares about your opinion because you seek immediate compliance towards your own obscured thinking.

Mr minority didn't know you like grand Prix.

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@Crazy_sahara: It's fact, not opinion. Your selective memory is showing.

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@beachbum: it was, but then it became super popular and incredible value for money. Of course Sony needs to adapt that’s why competition is a good thing. Why would you not want sony to improve?

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Edited By Crazy_sahara

Well they have to, or they'll eventually be in damage control sony.

They shouldn't fk around when relying on exclusives only, if people want a service, and you don't deliver people will respond, not straight away but eventually.

Sony may have to become like nintendo and just break from mold in the future (it's speculation, but a predictable one) IF that's a big IF, if microsoft can get the numbers (as it looks like they can) and experiment with new console designs, new ways exploring, it will be the YouTube hub of gaming; and we all know how big YouTube is.

However Microsoft hasn't always been faithful to it's customers, they are nortorious for killing of software, delisting services while in the business of making money and generating data.

If it wasn't for Phil Spencer, Xbox would have been dead, but it's hard to fathom with direct X and windows being essential in Microsoft's ethos, so they wouldn't let Xbox die(as I could imagine Phil pitching for the job of reformatting the Xbox division to Satya nadella, who bill gates appointed as CEO of microsoft) and gamepass is the ultimatum of do or die, that would have been what he said.

Phill: " if we don't make a serious change we may lose a huge revenue stream, now here me out here, if we look at our competitors we can bring in the numbers, but as of now it's do or die, we must spend money, if your serious let me take responsibility of fixing Xbox, I've been loyal working here for 30 years as a engineer, so I know I can bring Xbox back, yes it's had a poor start but with Xbox 360 you can see it's built a following, so let me and my team build a system to innovate the next generation"

At that point, Satya would have been resistant, but allowing Phill with the go ahead.

But the financial side of it:

If people pay 1$ more on game pass that's a million in development (automatically injected into real time development, another way to picture like donations, and supporting the development of the game, not like how star citizen treats it's fanbase)for a new release game, and if $60 million pay then 60 million get to play, $1 billion = 1 billion customers, all ya gotta do is raise it by 1 or 50 cents, then it's definitely sustainable, but if sony doesn't have the audience then probably not.

If microsoft got 500 million customers in china even for $1 that's $500 million a month, so absolutely sustainable, however if microsoft published a game for a studio, or even listed it at $59 and 10 million bought it that's $590 million dollars, (but then the game dies out and the franchise must keep pumping out the same title to generate income) so with game pass, as long as there's gamepass income coming in each month That's $15 a month for game pass, If 100 million americans signed up, that's 1.5billion dollers in the first month.

So its very sustainable, it's just the numbers game now.

And if each developer listed their game on game pass, they have access to telemetry, time played, who died, who left at what point, how many games loaded at set times, where the games suffering bugs, sustainable server bearing loads, and support for building a sustainable community.

The developers can focus on bringing better full priced games with less bugs, and if they decide to bring it to game pass, if 30 million played it that's 30 million dollars after even one month of listing it before it went on retail for full price, so how ever you look at it, it's a powerful tool for developers gamepass.

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@Crazy_sahara: Games don't need to be on GamePass for devs to collect data, and it has been proven many times over that more money doesn't necessarily lead to more polished games. If anything, more money usually leads to games being LESS polished. Devs care less when they know the game will sell more. They care more when they know they have to put their best foot forward.

And the fact is we don't really know how MS makes money from GamePass. In fact, they don't make much at all:

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@Barighm: Games don't need to be on GamePass for devs to collect data, and it has been proven many times over that more money doesn't necessarily.

And the fact is we don't really know how MS makes money from GamePass. In fact, they don't make much at all.

You just contradicted your own statement, not even you know what will happen.

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@Crazy_sahara: Very well written. Thank you

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@STrugglingFool: Not really. All he did was take what I wrote earlier and expanded on it...a lot.

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@Barighm: I wouldn't read what you write, I'd look at your name and discard it, however your free to reply to me.

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@Crazy_sahara: lol to your grammar and your theories

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@beachbum: Poor beach bum.

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@Crazy_sahara: After seeing your word vomits in these articles, I can see that you think your anecdotal doxa is episteme. Sorry, but it isn't. Your ethnocentric attitude needs to be broadened. But keep trying buddy.

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@beachbum: being sexist and pig headed I'd agree how you sum your self up.

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@Crazy_sahara: Idk what is going on in your head but you are projecting big time buddy.

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This articles sounds like it’s written by a sony fanboy. A pony. It says that sony has been steadily trying to compete then lists two examples lol.

It makes me cringe to see how much of the gaming media leans towards sony and at the same time is negative towards Microsoft and Xbox.

On topic sony have failed already. Ryan saying that they won’t release games day and date like Gamepass is a fail already.

The next 18 months to 3 years is going to be mighty interesting for Xbox. Once devs get used to the hardware and Xbox 1st party games start dropping. Next year should be good too mind you with Halo Infinite.

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@gamerbum: did you see the DF comparison of Dirt 5?

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@gamerbum: pony??? How old are you kid

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@gamerbum: lol The author quotes Ryan saying some pointless stuff and a couple bland facts and suddenly this is a fanboy article? Triggered easily are you?

And you're still praising Halo Infinite despite crashing and burning at its reveal and going F2P. Yeesh.

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No it’s the overall tone of a hell of a lot of write ups from numerous gaming websites all over the net. This is just another example.

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@gamerbum: What tone? Playstation boss says some defensive shit? This article makes him look bad if anything. Why the hell do you even care so much? Not like MS cares about you. Do you own stock in them or something (which is a funny expression because I have, in fact, owned MS stock in the past)?

Whatever man, Xbot gonna bot.

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Finally a guy points out why the Gamepass model doesn't work. But PS Now even used to cost $20 per month not long ago? Even with the extremely lacking collection of mostly old games available on there? Just goes to show how much more MS would have to charge to make its service somewhat profitable, compared to all the money they're losing on game sales from it and who knows how much they're paying publishers to release their games on Gamepass. Sony is looking at it from a point of profitability, which is why they're not even trying to compete with that offer. Only MS with money to burn is willing to spend billions on some project that will most likely never really be profitable. But they have to start increasing the prices at some point because right now Gamepass is one of the most valuable services there is, at least on Xbox from what I keep hearing from all the fanboys. Value that comes out of MS' pockets.

So enjoy it while it lasts. Though who knows how long MS will keep the prices relatively low as it's one of their main ways to compete with Sony and nothing they do is really making any difference in helping them get ahead.

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@Atzenkiller: the acquired game studios including bethesda? the more powerful console while at same price? really good backward compatibility? these are nothing?

if ms can convince people xs is the better thing then people buy it and even if they then tune some of the advantages toward sonys placement later on, many people have already commited and made their choice for a long time if not the whole generation.

ps4 scored big points because of exclusives but now they mostly have just names on a board of "possibly coming". they have lost quantic dream exclusivity. uncharted, ratchet and some others are at sequel no x and have lost their big oomph. last of us 2 was controversy. its not now like every year there will be 4-8 must have exclusives. so they dont have so big edge over ms

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@PrpleTrtleBuBum:I don't know why most Xbox folks seem unaware of this. Probably because they've never got to see those games but there's a ton of Japanese games that are never being released on the Xbox. Even big titles like Persona 5. That's a lot of often high quality exclusive titles that Sony gets for free. They don't even have to buy up studios for it or pay them anything. Thost devs just don't consider it worth bothering to release for Xbox as well as nobody ever buys one in Japan.

That is what decides the outcome from the start. The slightly higher power will probably not be noticeable at all, especially since the PS5 will become the leading platform again, so all games will be developed first of all for it and then maybe they might add some minor graphical improvements to the Xbox version. Though I doubt anyone but the biggest graphics nerds would be able to tell there are any.

And since you mentioned the slightly higher TFLOPS of the Xbox, which is all the supposed higher performance is based on: The PS5 is supposed to have a higher Hz rate for their GPU, which should even this out. But for some reason folks never seem to take those rates into the equation when calculating TFLOPS. But whatever. It's just some number for PC nerds to jerk off to anyway.

But you also forgot to mention that the PS5's SSD is more than twice as fast as the one in the Xbox. And that while both consoles with a disc drive cost the same price, MS' alternative option is a heavily dumbed down low budget version that no real gamer would ever consider buying. Especially not if they already own a 4K tv since they couldn't make use of it. But Sony offers the same model without a disc drive for $100 bucks less. Which already makes the low budget Xbox completely useless. Why would anyone buy one of those things just to save $100 over the PS5 digital, to get far inferior hardware? And if you've already been buying all your games digitally, then you might as well say that the PS5 costs $100 less while offering about the same or better performance in some regards.

Backwards compatibility is also available for pretty much all PS4 games, contrary to what Sony originally said. And it most likely will improve over time, so MS' advantage in that regard will fade away as well. Not that BC will matter that much in the coming years once next gen games start rolling out and most newer games are already getting a PS5 patch anyway. Of course it will always be nice to have, but I'd personally be fine if I could only play those games with the same resolution and higher framerates as on the PS4. The fact that you can play last gen games at all is already enough for me. So whatever advantages MS has in that department due to their experience gained from manually making lots of games playable on the Xbone, it doesn't seem like much of an advantage to me. Nothing that would get me to consider buying an Xbox in the slightest at least. The games are ultimately the main difference and MS will always lose out there, no matter how many studios they buy up. One can only hope that they don't start buying up Japanese devs to force them to release their games for their console exclusively but I'd say that's a real possibility if nothing else MS does works out for them.

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@Atzenkiller: So what makes you think that the GamePass will not be profitable? Do you think Netflix is not profitable on their subscription model? Guess how much they spend in making movies as well as distribution rights for certain movies and TV shows. Based on their growing subscription base, they are turning an enviable profit. Microsoft's plan is in the same alignment. As more people sign on, I think they can attain a base that will continue to grow that will far exceed Playstation's model of exclusivity. Sony can spend a ton of money on an exclusive game that they hope will be the next God of War or Spiderman, but if it fails, they will take a bath on it. Microsoft can spend money on an exclusive game and release it to the GamePass subscription, and they don't have to worry if it succeeds or fails. As long as it continues to grow its base and with release of new content, they will continue to collect monthly royalties. To me, I have been using the Xbox Gamepass and have not touched my Playstation 4, but only when there is a blockbuster game that comes out like The Last Of Us Part II. I think Microsoft will come out the winner. With their purchase of Bethesda and partnership with EA, and with more studios possibly purchased on the horizon, I think they will the one laughing themselves to the bank.

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@domeister: I think there is merit on both side. While Im not sure how much profit is made on a new game when sold, its kind of hard to say how profitable each side of the argument would be. Im not too familiar with gamepass besides what some friends have told me when I asked about it, and I find the PSNow selection of games not overly great for me personally. Gamepass could save quite a lot of people money, and for Xbox it is a sustained income over time, as opposed to just an upfront incomes from a sale, not sure how it balances out, but curious none the less.

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Edited By sladakrobot

Am i wrong or has Jim Ryan said few weeks ago that they dont need a games subscription service at their plattform to counter Gamepass?


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@sladakrobot: I have a feeling just as gamepass is unique to Xbox, they will release something completely different and unique to PlayStation. Time will tell.

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combining plus and ps now for one low price is the only thing they can do.....

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I guess when things finally slow down we'll see who leads the system sales, but I don't believe that Game Pass is going to be a deciding factor for many people at all, contrary to this article. You could give away as many games as you like, but are they the best games? Anyway, I could be wrong of course, but time will tell.

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Edited By PeteBonion

I think there's a lot of things that Sony can do to make PS NOW more interesting without being Gamepass 2.0

1) Properly market that you don't need a Playstation to play PS Now and make it that you can stream everywhere (phone, Tablets, PC, Fridge, and fax machines).

2) Sony can put some smaller game or more niche day 1 on the service. For example, Concrete Genie, Dreams, Journey, etc. This would help create interest in the IP and stimulate future purchases.

3) Have some deals with some indies creator to release the game before on PS NOW when it's early access.

4) Since Sony Studios are known for their passion they could add Videos like behind the scene to PS NOW. For example, they could add a video about the inspiration for Ghost of Tsushima or 30 min animation showing the life of Abby and the crew from Tlou2 before the event of the game. Microsoft is using Windows as a strength for Gamepass well Sony could use his movie knowledge to strengthen PS Now.

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Will not be adding new video game releases to the service like Microsoft does because video games cost millions and millions of dollars, hmmm.

To just come out admit it is not a very good move...

Looks like PlayStation is lucky that it has the fan base it does because Sony will not offer what Microsoft will.

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@systemoverload: MS is paying for the Gamepass out of its own pocket. It's purely a marketing strategy. They're not just really nice guys. They seem to hope that it will be profitable at some point in the distant future and have lots of money to burn on it. But in no way is the Gamepass generating any profits right now compared to all the game sales they're losing because of it and all the money they have to pay to get developers to release their brand new games on there. But yeah, really sad that Sony is not a company with an endless cash supply that can or is willing to afford to burn billions of $ on any stupid idea they come up with. MS has a very special position in the industry in that regard.

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Edited By SystemOverload

@Atzenkiller: Sony dropped a lot of money into PlayStation but Sony doesn’t make the money from their other divisions like Microsoft does.

XBOX does not make up a big chunk of Microsoft’s revenue.

PlayStation does make up a big chunk of Sony’s revenue so different, PlayStation is probably even helping to keep the lights on in other divisions.

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@systemoverload: MS doesn't offer good games though.

And PS Now adds new games all the time. Here's November's games:

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@Barighm: Microsoft not offering good games is an opinion.

I like Halo, Forza Horizon, Gears of War, Fable, Sea of Thieves, Killer Instincts and Crackdown. Microsoft if has story driven game like Quantum Break and Alan Wake.

There is even more video games published by Microsoft what exactly it Microsoft missing Japanese video games?

Even Yakuza is XBOX Pass.

Actually Sony’s Library is lacking.

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@systemoverload: Lacking? Thanks for the giggles.

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@imajinn: Microsoft has better consistency of good games from different genres. Majority good Sony video games are 3rd person adventure video games and the video games that Sony does publish that are not 3rd person adventure games are pretty blah.

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Meh. In all likelihood it's just a minor price drop, some sort of bonus connected to PSN, or just a few new games. Probably some of the PS4 exclusives.

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@Barighm: A price drop? Not likely. $10 per month is absolutely nothing for a service that offers you access to dozens of games, even if 99% of them are garbage. And the article even states that until last year PS Now was charging $20 per month. That should give you an idea for how much MS really would have to charge for its service. Even at $70 per month, the price of a full price game now, it would still be losing them money.

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Not interested in Cloud game the latency involved in that is enough reason for me to not be interested.

Never mind fact you dont own any thing that way

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@tsunami2311: You can download last gen games. Only the PS3 games need to be streamed.

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It was only 2 months ago this same guy said PS5 would not be getting a Gamepass competitor, there's an article on this very site titled as much. He even said it twice in the last 6 months. Sony flip-flopping almost as much as Microsoft did last gen on a lot of their messaging leading into this generation.

Not sure I see the point much if its not having day one exclusives. Assuming third party titles remain roughly similar between both platforms it doesn't really change the current status quo of having gamepass for both Xbox/PC exclusives as well as third party titles and just buying PS5 exclusives at launch. The only real substantial impact here would be for the people that don't mind waiting until the exclusives are added to the platform or people only getting one console or don't own a gaming PC.

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at this point the only thing they should be "tease-ing" is ramp up your damn production!

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@deth420: Bigger SSD smaller SSD will fill up faster and as a SSD gets closer and closer to full capacity it slows down because of who SSD writes blocks.

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Beep Boop Bop... Game pass does not compute... Must buy more consoles.

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