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Sony puts PS2 on tour

Club tour to promote PlayStation 2, as a game console and lifestyle choice.


The third PlayStation 2 Dual Play tour has been announced, bringing dance-mix DJs to clubs in 17 cities across the US. The tour is scheduled for September 26 through November 22. Featured DJs are Timo Maas, Ferry Corsten, DJ Rap, and Loco Dice.

"With the third incarnation of the PlayStation 2 Dual Play tour we are looking to build an even greater entertainment experience for Dual Play fans by introducing them to new music and different DJs," said Sharon Shapiro, director of promotions for Sony Computer Entertainment America. "Music has always been an integral element of the PlayStation 2 gaming experience, and the Dual Play tour brings the connection between music and gaming to the next level."

More than just lending its name to the Dual Play tour, the PlayStation 2 will maintain a subtle on-site presence by showing video screens that mix live shots of the audience with footage from new and upcoming video games.

The House of Blues and Spundae will be promoting and publicizing the tour. Tickets are available through the House of Blues Web site.

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