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Sony Files PSX Trademark To Conduct Game Conferences And Exhibitions

Sony's PlayStation Experience, commonly abbreviated to "PSX," hasn't been held since 2017, though a new trademark filing suggests it might come back.


In new documentation found on the US Patent and Trademark Office directory, Sony has filed a new trademark for something dubbed "PSX."

According to the documentation, the trademark is for "arranging, organizing, and conducting exhibitions and conferences in the fields of entertainment and video games" both online and offline, as well as providing entertainment and educational services including "video game playing and news [...] conferences, meeting, and networking events." The filing was submitted on June 11 and will be reviewed by an examiner in approximately three months.

"PSX" is the abbreviation Sony typically uses for its PlayStation Experience event, an annual conference the company has held since 2004 in Europe and 2014 in the US. 2017 was the last PSX event the company has put on as 2018's showcase was cancelled. Though Sony hasn't attended E3 since 2019, the company has hosted several livestreams under the State of Play moniker.

It's worth noting "PSX" was also the codename for the original PlayStation.

Sony's May 2021 State of Play came with 14 minutes of Horizon Forbidden West gameplay, showing off new combat abilities and traversal mechanics. Unfortunately, a release date for the PlayStation exclusive was not revealed.

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