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Sonic The Hedgehog--Watch A PS2-Quality Deleted Scene Of Baby Sonic

A Sonic the Hedgehog deleted scene has been released, showing off some extremely early, very rough CGI.


Sonic the Hedgehog ended up being a good-looking movie thanks to a significant character redesign for the blue blur, but it's hard to forget the haunted eyes and human teeth of the original design. But now a deleted scene from the film has reminded us of just how iterative a process it is creating a CGI film like this--and at a certain point in production, every scene in the film is going to look awful.

To promote the film's early digital release (it's available now), Paramount has shown off an early version of a scene where Sonic arrives on earth, alongside his owl companion Longclaw. Sonic, still a baby, is warned to keep a low profile--and he immediately runs off.

The scene itself isn't anything remarkable, but the extremely early CGI renders of Sonic, Longclaw, and their environment are haunting. While the character models improve dramatically towards the end, this video also gives us some insight into what a bad PS2 tie-in game might have looked like. Check them out below.

Thankfully, the final product ended up being a good movie, and earned an 8/10 in GameSpot's review.

Sadly, the studio behind Sonic's redesign has since closed down, despite being integral to the success of this movie--it went on to be the highest grossing domestic video game adaptation ever, and likely would have gone higher if cinemas were not closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sonic the Hedgehog is just one of several movies that has had its digital release moved forward--here's the full list.

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