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Sonic Team Goes Chu-chu

GameSpot has learned today that the third project from Sonic Team is an action puzzle game.


In our continuing coverage of Sonic Team's upcoming projects, GameSpot has learned today that the company's third project is an action puzzle game entitled Chu-chu Rocket. The game can be played multiplayer using the Internet capabilities of the Sega Dreamcast.

So what ever happened to the second project from Sonic Team? The NAOMI-based arcade game will be announced during the JAMMA show between September 9-12 in Japan.

Chu-chu Rocket will be available in stores in Japan on November 11, and it will be priced at 2800yen (about US$25). A limited-edition box set that includes a skeletal orange Dreamcast controller will also be available the same day for 4800yen (about $44).

GameSpot will bring you screenshots and details of Sonic Team's second project soon.

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