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Shrek Game for PC

TDK Mediactive will publish games based on DreamWorks' upcoming 3D animated film.


TDK Mediactive has announced that it has secured the rights to electronic games based on Shrek, the upcoming DreamWorks SKG 3D animated film. The agreement gives TDK a five-year worldwide license to develop and release games on the PC and a variety of next-generation game platforms. Shrek is scheduled for release in theaters in May 2001, and a PC version of the Shrek game is expected to follow later in the year.

Shrek is an ogre whose peace and quiet is shattered when a number of fairy-tale characters come to live in his swamp. The fairy-tale characters, including blind mice, a big bad wolf, three little pigs, and others, have been driven from their homes by the evil Lord Farquaad. Shrek makes a deal with Farquaad to rescue a beautiful princess from a fire-breathing dragon in exchange for letting the fairy-tale characters back into their homes.

For more information about TDK Mediactive, visit the official company Web site. To learn more about the upcoming animated film Shrek, go to

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