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Shenmue Update

Sega of America gives us a clear look at Shenmue, Yu Suzuki's next Dreamcast title.


You've probably heard about Shenmue, Yu Suzuki's new game for the Dreamcast, but maybe you haven't seen a whole lot of it. That's about to change, as Sega of America was kind enough to provide us with a cleaner look at the title with these screenshots.

In them, you see the game's main characters in action. The first screen shown here is an example of a Quick Time Event (QTE) that you play through much like a Dragon's Lair-type game, by deciding the right course of action at the appropriate time. Another shows the progression in time, from night to day/day to night.

Shenmue is scheduled for release in early 1999 in Japan. A US release will almost certainly follow, although any dates for the launch of the Dreamcast or its games in the US have yet to be announced.

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