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Shang-Chi's Simu Liu To Disney CEO Bob Chapek: "We Are Not An Experiment"

Ahead of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings's upcoming release, the actor and CEO are clashing.


Actor Simu Liu has pushed back against comments from Disney CEO Bob Chapek suggesting Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings's release will be an "experiment" for the company. Chapek's comments were to investors in a recent quarterly earnings call about the company's pandemic-caused need for a new strategy regarding theatrical and streaming releases.

On the call, Chapek said Shang-Chi is "actually going to be an interesting experiment for us because it's got only a 45-day window for us… so the prospect of being able to take a Marvel title to the service after going theatrical for 45 days will be yet another data point to inform our actions going forward on our titles."

In a tweet you can read above, Liu pushed back at the characterization on Twitter, saying: "We are not an experiment. We are the underdog; the underestimated. We are the ceiling-breakers. We are the celebration of culture and joy that will persevere after an embattled year." Liu also added that he is "fired the f*** up to make history" when the film is released theatrically on September 3.

In the Marvel movie, Liu plays Shang-Chi, a seemingly normal man living in San Francisco. But he has a dark family history--his father is Wenwu--and The Mandarin--a mysterious and powerful villain who once had plans for his son to join him in the criminal life. Shang-Chi rejects this, but finds himself coming into conflict with him once more and tapping into amazing powers of his own. Awkwafina plays Shang-Chi's friend Katy, and the movie looks like a spectacular mix of mystery and wild martial arts-inspired action.

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