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Sega to drop Dreamcast price?

A price drop for Sega's Dreamcast console is likely on the horizon.


GameSpot has learned that Sega of America is currently planning to drop the price of its Dreamcast console from its current price point of $99.99 to $79.99 on August 12. The price drop is geared toward moving the remaining inventory of Dreamcast consoles, which at last count amounted to approximately 200,000 units worldwide. Retail sources have further confirmed that a new 2K1 sports pack is currently planned for release and will carry a retail price of $99.99. Additionally, games such as NFL 2K1 and NBA 2K1 will join Sega's All-Stars program at a reduced price of $19.99. When contacted, a Sega of America spokesperson told GameSpot that the company does not comment on rumors and speculation.

GameSpot will have more in the coming weeks.

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