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Secret Invasion's Emilia Clarke Reacts To People Saying Green Screen Acting Isn't "Real"

Clarke says there is a stigma attached to productions that use green screen technology.


Actress Emilia Clarke has responded to claims from some people that acting in front of a green screen is not "real" acting. Clarke, who has had a number of roles in the past involving green screen acting, said in an interview with the LA Times that this stigma doesn't make sense.

"The stigma is that people don't do any acting in these shows and then you're like, 'Well, then why are they asking all these great actors to do it, and why are they saying yes?,'" she said.

Clarke starred on HBO's Game of Thrones and in the Star Wars movie Rogue One, both of which included a number of green screen scenes. Her latest work is Marvel's Secret Invasion, which features a big name cast--that's part of the reason why Clarke signed on.

"The cast is ridiculous," Clarke said. "Olivia Colman, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Don Cheadle. I was like, 'Where do I sign?'"

Clarke's comments about green screen acting come in the wake of actor Anthony Hopkins calling his performance as Odin in the Thor movies "pointless acting."

"If you're sitting in front of a green screen, it's pointless acting it," he said.

Secret Invasion premiered on Disney Plus on June 21. New episodes air Wednesday, leading up to the series finale on July 26.

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