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Sea Of Thieves Is Setting Sail On Steam In June

The Microsoft exclusive is joining its other games that have made the jump from Windows Store to the more popular Steam.


Two years after its initial release, Rare and Microsoft's Sea of Thieves is coming to Steam on PC, giving you an additional way to play the sea-faring game on the platform.

Sea of Thieves originally launched on Xbox One and Windows 10, albeit through Microsoft's own storefront. Sticking with the company's strategy to bring exclusives over to Steam, Sea of Thieves now joins Halo: The Master Chief Collection, State of Decay 2, Sunset Overdrive, and more on Valve's platform.

When it launches on June 3, you'll be able to purchase Sea of Thieves for $40. This version will receive content updates in step with all other platforms, with the latest content update, Ships of Fortune, available at launch. New players will also be able to play through the narrative-driven tutorial called Maiden Voyage, which will introduce you to the high seas without the threat of running into other player pirates.

Sea of Thieves has fostered a growing player base, with over 10 million players since its launch. It was a rocky start though, with our Sea of Thieves review scoring the game a 6/10, and critic Peter Brown writing, "Even though it's hard to wholeheartedly recommend, I like enough of what I see to hold out hope that things will eventually improve as the game continues to be patched and updated with new content."

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