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SCE Announces Extermination for PS2

Sony Computer Entertainment announces a "panic action game" called Extermination for PS2.


Sony Computer Entertainment today announced a new game for the PlayStation2 entitled Extermination. This "panic action adventure game" is being produced by the Deep Space development team, which is made up of some of the original creators of Resident Evil for the PlayStation. You take the role of an agent assigned to investigate a laboratory that houses an entity that can corrode anything that gets in its way.

Deep Space team member Tokuro Fujiwara comments, "Previously, players could only perform action while the scene is static and watch FMV sequences in between. We'd like to make a game that allows players to perform actions while the scene is in motion." The game was briefly shown in motion, and scenes were displayed where the main character was running from an avalanche, climbing up an icefall while rocks fall close by, battling the creature, and many more.

We'll bring you more details on the game as the show progresses. Stay tuned to our continuing coverage of PS Festival 2000.

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