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Save $100 On Apple's Latest M1 Mac Mini Today

The latest Mac Mini has all the power of Apple's new M1 chips, and it's down to a great price today on Amazon.


Despite the skepticism prior to launch, there's little doubt left that Apple's first in-house M1 chip has been a massive success. It's fast, energy-efficient, and small enough to fit into the company's latest iPad Pro. But it's not the tablet that's on sale today--rather it's the M1-equipped product that will most easily fit into your office at home. Amazon has shaved off $100 from the latest Apple Mac Mini, with the discounted price of $600 (coupon applied at checkout) making it a great deal.

Apple is rolling out a range of new products over the next few weeks, including its refreshed iPad Pro models equipped with the same M1 chip inside. The 12.9-inch version also includes a new MiniLED display with some impressive HDR performance, if you're looking for one of the best portable media consumption devices out there.

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