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Saints Row Reboot Teased For Gamescom Reveal

It appears Deep Silver is making a new Saints Row, and judging by the teaser, it will be a reboot.


Deep Silver has started teasing a new entry in the Saints Row franchise, likely to be revealed at Gamescom next week. The teaser includes a none-too-subtle hint that it will be a reboot.

The official Saints Row site now simply has a large banner that says "Rebooting" in graffiti with the Saints logo. Geoff Keighley, host of Gamescom Opening Night Live, also issued a tweet with the teaser image, and a reference to the Boss--the usual player-created protagonist of Saints Row games.

It's not much to go on, but given the reference to a reboot, it will remain to be seen how much (if any) connection this has to the current Saints Row franchise, which went in some wild directions with superpowers and even a trip to Hell in its final story DLC.

Opening Night Live begins Wednesday, August 25 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET. The event is the kickoff for Gamescom, the annual convention held in Cologne, Germany. Like many live events it was all-virtual last year due to the coronavirus, and while organizers planned a hybrid event this year, the ongoing pandemic scuttled plans for in-person gathering. We'll be giving live reactions to the event when it happens so stick around.

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