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Ryan Reynolds Plots Next Move, And It's Not Another Movie But Something Totally Different

The Deadpool actor is part of a group seeking to pay $1 billion for the Ottawa Senators.


Canadian movie star Ryan Reynolds is reportedly planning his next move, and it's not a new film or a TV project. The Deadpool actor is said to be part of a group looking to purchase the NHL's Ottawa Senators. The Ottawa Sun reports that Reynolds and The Remington Group are gearing up to bid $1 billion to buy the professional hockey team and their home venue, the Canadian Tire Centre.

The Melnky family currently owns the Senators and has retained Galatioto Sports Partners to sell it with a deadline of May 15 for final bids.

The report said Reynolds and real estate magnate Christopher Bratty want to build a new ice rink in downtown Ottawa and create an entertainment district around it like many other NHL teams have.

Reynolds is no stranger to investing in the world of sports. He and It's Always Sunny star Rob McElhenney own the Wrexham soccer/football team in the UK. Reynolds recently sold his mobile phone company Mint to T-Mobile for more than $1 billion, proceeds of which he shared with other Mint owners.

The Senators went up for sale in November 2022 after veteran owner Eugene Melnyk passed away. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman met with Reynolds in December 2022 about potentially joining the Senators' ownership, with Bettman saying Reynolds "very much impressed us."

Reynolds told Jimmy Fallon in November 2022, "I am trying to [buy the team]; it's very expensive, so I need a partner with really deep pockets."

As for his non-investment career, Reynolds is set to star in Deadpool 3 alongside Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

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