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Riccitiello on next-gen: the stakes are enormous

Former Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello says console gaming will "explode" with arrival of future platforms, but only if Sony and Microsoft can avoid pitfalls.


Former Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello believes the console gaming business has the potential to "explode" in popularity with the arrival of next-generation systems, but only if these platforms are able to avoid major potential pitfalls.

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In a guest editorial at Kotaku, the executive laid out his thoughts on next-generation platforms on the eve of Microsoft's next-generation reveal event. First, he argued that Sony and Microsoft must blow gamers away with the features and services of their next-generation platforms.

"I believe that console gaming is going to explode on the scene of consumer electronics with this next generation of consoles. Sony and Microsoft absolutely need to deliver new boxes that really impress us," Riccitiello said. "They need to deliver platforms that enable game experiences that are not possible on current consoles. It is not just about graphics, although it is partly about graphics. It is also about recognizing that a lot has changed with online devices and the cloud since the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 were originally introduced."

Riccitiello then highlighted four scenarios he said Microsoft and Sony must avoid if their respective next-generation platforms are to succeed.

"The first and most obvious of these pitfalls is if Sony or Microsoft forgets who brought them to the dance in the first place: gamers," Riccitiello said. "I certainly see the temptation to emphasize all sorts of experiences that these boxes might bring to the living room. These new machines can do a lot. The risk is that either or both of the new platforms emphasize these 'value-add' experiences too much, both in the user interface on the consoles themselves, or in the story they tell consumers when they unleash their avalanche of advertising. To paraphrase a political slogan, 'It's about the games, stupid.'"

He further explained that the idea of "reinventing the living room" may sound like a "big and sexy" proposition that will read well in mainstream media, but said that Microsoft and Sony should instead double down on games and on building game-focused user interfaces.

"The risk of complexity in the new console UI (user interface) is real," he said. "Give us too much on the screen, and we'll never find our games. The risk is that too many choices, and a UI design to appeal to too many audiences, means nothing stands out."

Another pitfall Riccitiello said he believes could bring down the PS4 and next Xbox is that of supply. He said that consumers today expect to be able to get what they want when they want it and if they can't, then sales could suffer.

"Past console launches have been severely hampered by a lack of supply. A new console launch with only a few million units available will simply frustrate all of us," Riccitiello said. "Limited supply means the new consoles will launch with a whimper and whine, not the cry of attack. If Sony and Microsoft want to see the next generation of consoles take high ground in the consumer electronics war this year, they are going to have to invest to make sure there are enough of the new consoles out there."

Riccitiello's third potential pitfall is that of price. He claimed getting the price right will be "very important" to the prosperity of the PS4 and next Xbox.

"The stakes are enormous," he said.

The fourth and final potential problem for the PS4 and next Xbox, according to Riccitiello, has to do with what he described as third-rail topics, such as always-online requirements and DRM schemes.

"The question of the always-on connection is one that causes some gamers' blood to boil," he said. "Gamers will want, and learn to love, the good parts of consoles being more connected to our digital lives than was possible with the machines launched eight years ago."

"At launch, Sony and Microsoft must avoid putting up new and alarming DRM schemes, and focus on enabling the cool new game experiences that seamlessly connected consoles allow," he added.

Riccitiello quit EA in March. The Battlefield and FIFA publisher is currently reviewing internal and external candidates for his replacement, though a successor has not yet been named.

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Edited By Spartan_418

Another potential pitfall would be a mass hardware failure problem, like RROD.

Hopefully Microsoft will do their best to avoid that, but you never know.

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@Spartan_418 the red ring of death was inevitable. Microsoft are a software company. What they knew about making consumer electronics in 1999 (pre-xbox) you could write on a postage stamp. They have spent a decade flying blind and making it up as they go along.

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@6orange6 perhaps that's true, though I don't remember the original Xbox having a failure rate anywhere near the 360's.

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@Spartan_418 If they're stupid enough to let an issue like RROD pop up again, they deserve all the repercussions and hate they will get in response. I can't see them not being sure to test it as many times as possible before launch to make sure there are no hardware failures going forward with this console.

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@TheGamerPhenom That's true, and that's what I expect will happen.

Some people believe that RROD was intentional, 360s were designed to fail, and that Microsoft profited from people re-buying their 360s when they were past their warranty. Like, the same way 360 controllers get worn out fast, forcing you to buy new ones.

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@Spartan_418 @TheGamerPhenom While true, in today's day & age, people have an unfortunate habit of seeing something stranger, or seeing something they don't particularly like or enjoy, and instead of rationalizing or coming up with a reasonable argument, the easy thing to do is to cry conspiracy and move on.

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@TheGamerPhenom Yeah, well the thing is that, occasionally, conspiracies actually do happen, and the theorists are right.

Though I don't think that's the case here.

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@Spartan_418 @TheGamerPhenom Ah, the joy's of conspiracy theories. I always get a kick out of those type of people, haha.

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Can someone please confirm something for me:

What time does the MS Unveil begin tomorrow (21st) in the UK?

Is it 5pm or 6pm because there appears to be conflicting info

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@thenephariouson If the conference starts at 9AM Pacific Time, then we are normally 8 hours ahead, which would normally be 5PM. However, we are currently in British Summer Time, which means you add an hour - so it should be 6PM.

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"The question of the always-on connection is one that causes some gamers’ blood to boil," he said. "Gamers will want, and learn to love it " no we won't

"At LAUNCH, Sony and Microsoft must avoid putting up new and alarming DRM schemes," So stab us in the back later then?

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@dragonkantus Don't worry this dumb ass got canned for a reason. EA already removed online passes, so it looks as thought they're doing better without him.

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Edited By ragnar320

i like how this is the guy who made EA what is today and hes the guy that made EA piss off pretty much all gamers and then he says ohh hey you need to make gamers happy by the way cause they are our main market

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@ragnar320 No doubt the entire story is dripping in irony, but the fact remains that even though the guy was an idiot for long stretches as the head honcho at EA, he still makes good points here.

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@TheGamerPhenom @ragnar320 he could not be evil without knowing what is good or evil,

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Edited By Ravenlock_2112

Well, I hate to say it but he makes good points, but that's probably cause he now knows how the real gamers think since he messed with us to many times. If only he had this knowledge before he became CEO of EA :p.

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Edited By jmc88888


We really don't know what went on. It could have been him. It might have been the board of directors who pressured him.

Because CEO's while they lead the business, they are answerable to the board and shareholders.

That said, he was the CEO and under his tenure they implemented that crap, so I'm glad he's gone as well.

But it doesn't mean I think suddenly EA will be much better. Kudos for getting rid of the online pass. Still much more work to do.

You still have everyone else that made EA the shitshow it is there.

Think of it like football. Sure the QB can be a big reason why your team succeeds or sucks. But there are still 21 other off/def positions that make a big reason too. EA changed it's QB, but still has everyone else that made that place a shell of it's former glory.

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To be honest, I'm satisfied with the current-generation we have - as of now.

Battlefield 4, Dark Souls II, Watch_Dogs, Batman: Arkham Origins, Grand Theft Auto V...

...Call of Duty: Ghosts (kidding)

I'm set for a couple more years, then I'll buy a PlayStation 4 or the new Xbox for cheap.

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Edited By TheGamerPhenom

@Xethrayne Not me. We've gone almost eight years now on the same consoles. As a 360 guy, I'm more than willing to say that I think the 360 was phenomenal, and that I still enjoy it, but it's time for something new if you ask me personally. Everything is getting kinda stale, even with "new" games coming out (and here I note that out of the games you listed, only one, Watch Dogs, is really a new title, with the rest simply being sequels).

The hope I personally have is that with the new consoles, maybe companies will take some initiative, and use these new machines to push the boundaries and come up with new and fresh ideas. I for one am sick of seeing a Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, and so on year, after year, after year. The new console may not help that, but there's a chance it could, so I'm more than ready for it.

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@TheGamerPhenom @Xethrayne I, respectfully, disagree with you. Yes, it's been eight years - it's still going. If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

In the next-generation, I can almost guarantee you there will be another Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Elder Scrolls, Grand Theft Auto - Because let's face it: they're solid titles and people enjoy them. Not everyone but most.

I'm the kind of guy who will stand in the back and watch everyone stampede in with the new generation of consoles. They'll bitch, they'll complain, they'll love, they'll embrace - Meanwhile, I'll still be content playing on my older consoles.

It all, simply, boils down to personal preference or personal decision.

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Edited By Saintier

@jmc88888 @TheGamerPhenom @Xethrayne I enjoyed the fact that you actually took the time to present some real facts and comparisions instead of bashing Xbox/PS4/PC like lots of ppl around here :)

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Edited By jmc88888

@TheGamerPhenom @Xethrayne

The problem is in the race to release new consoles, they're not releasing them with the power they should have.

Seriously. When you compare PC's to consoles, this generation of consoles will start of 2/3rds slower than what the PS3/360 launched at. In other words think if the 360/PS3 launched with the SAME power it has now but in 2008.

That's basically what's happening.

If these consoles wanted to be as powerful at launch comparatively as the 360 and PS3 were, they'd literally need to be about 3.5-4 TFlops, not 1.2-1.8 TFlops.

When the 360 released it spanked thousands of dollars of PC's parts from 2004.

Now the 720 will be a $60-80 GPU card from late 2013 and the PS4 will be a $100-150 one. All with CPU's that are easily bested by a cheap i7 processor from 2008 (at stock clocks, not the easily attainable 50 percent increase that i7 920 chip could do).

So 360 beats say a top of the line $1000 AMD FX-53...and have three cores not one like the FX line. It also had basically a Geforce 7800 with half the ram, and could easily out do a Geforce 6800 ultra from 2004.

So the 360 bested $1700 in PC parts (just the CPU and GPU) or basically PC's that were $2500-5000 and just a year old. Spanked it.

Another way to look at it is that the 360 had if I translated to 2013 graphics card, what would be a GTX 780 with half the ram.

But the PS4 will be running what is basically a GTX 750. The 720 will be running what is basically a step below the GTX 750.

Then couple that again with CPU's that are bested by cheap, stock clocked 2008 CPU's.

I'll be buying a PS4. I like consoles and PC gaming. But people need to realize the starting points between this generation and the last one is vastly different.

They'll be fun systems and are a good leap from current systems. But when you see the PS4 can't even run the Unreal 4 engine correctly. It does so pretty well, but you can already see some pretty big opening differences between it and a PC running it, then you understand 2-3 years after the PS4/720 hit the shelves it'll be like 5-6 years after the 360/PS3 hit shelves in terms of how far behind it is.

Basically, you know how PC's had such a huge lead over consoles this generation? Well it's going to be far worse than that this generation.

Fun systems? Yep. But released too soon. Not chronologically, as I realize it's been a long time. But the tech is either ready or isn't. It isn't ready. PC's and engines such as Unreal 4 have set a bar, and the consoles are coming out too soon to meet it.

At some point this is going to eat away at consoles. They can use big screen tv's to play on and you can use things like the 360 controller.

I don't want there to be a huge gap between PC's and consoles, as I like them both. But there is going to be a huge gap. There already is again when you compare 15 TFlops versus 1.2-1.8. No amount of optimization and latency effienciey and learning the code can make up that ground. It can push 1.8 to be effectively 2.4 or so, and in the end they might be able to do some things a bit more (within some serious constraints), but the gap is large, and when Volta comes out with it's stackable memory (i.e. has the power of a pc WITH many of the design advantages of an APU/GPGPU latency savings and bandwidth expansion of a console.) That's 2016. Pc's won't be a half generation above, they'll be a full generation power wise from it.

Now how many devs use that power is another thing.

Console gaming is a decade away from 4k gaming and are still struggling to see if they'll be 1080p. PC's are almost there, and people will be plugging in the 4ktv's when they drop in price, which means that the 2005 era of HDTV's is only a couple years away for 4ktv. In terms of how fast they get to the $500-2000. It will only take probably 3-5 years depending on screen size.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out, but MS shouldn't be alienating its customers, and hopefully they won't by not announce all the console killing 'features'. Because they are already set to be massively underpowered. You don't want to be massively underpowered and be pissing off your customers.

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Edited By TheGamerPhenom

@Xethrayne @TheGamerPhenom And I won't deny that fact. But let's look at the birth of each generation. In each one, there are games that come out *relatively* close to the release date that aren't what we are really used to. Just start, for example, with the 360. Gears, COD4 (which granted, was a "sequel," but played more like a completely new game), Assassin's Creed. The list could keep going on new IPs that come with a new console. It always works that way. The "old" series will still keep running, sure. But not all of them are necessarily running because of how good they are. Many of these franchises (Call of Duty, to a lesser extent now AC) run more on name brand appeal than anything else.

I guess where we have our main disconnect is that while it isn't *technically* broke (hell, I still play my PS2, 64, etc. etc. regularly), that doesn't mean that new innovation shouldn't be welcomed, and shouldn't be brought on. I'm ready and excited to see some new things, ready to see some original ideas, and another big thing is, I'm ready to see these "old" franchises running on something newer, shinier, and likely more powerful and better than the current generation (not a definite, but I feel it's pretty likely). I definitely see your point, but for me personally, it's time for an upgrade.

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So basically, if Sony and Xbox don't screw up, they will be successful...?

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@00LiteYear Bit of an oversimplification of what he said if you ask me . . .

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@TheGamerPhenom If i must ask, how complicated is what Riccitello trying to say?

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@TheGamerPhenom Thanks for reiterating what I said, but it doesn't answer the question.

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@00LiteYear @TheGamerPhenom It's not a matter of how complicated what he is trying to say is. It's matter of how it's presented.

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Edited By Sushiglutton

Noticed that he never mentioned PC-gaming with one word in his article. I wonder why?

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@Sushiglutton Is there one new "standard" PC coming out that every gamer is going to use? Highly unlikely. Like it or lump it, (and I say this without trying to insult PC gaming in any way, it has many great strengths), the "Console Wars" so to speak, are always going to be between the major companies that are producing a major, standard setting console in each generation.

If a computer company were to take the initiative and try to make a gaming PC that could become a standard for every computer gamer to use at a FAIR price, then this would be a point. That isn't the case however.

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@TheGamerPhenom @Sushiglutton

That's the point the standard is you continually can add something better for cheaper.

Say you want PS4 level graphics in your computer. Then buy a GTX 660 for $200.

If you wait a bit, say around the time the PS4 comes out the GTX 700 series will be out. Then you'll be able to get the GTX 750 which should be equal or be better than a GTX 660 and only cost $100-150.

So basically there is no need for there to be a standard. The need is on the people to easily learn easy stuff.

Again if you have a decent computer from 2008 or newer (not a best buy computer) then all you need is $100-150 and you have the power of the PS4.

Is that not fair?

So what is your case? You want everything to be standard not because it makes the systems better or cheaper, but because it's easier on you to assume you got the correct part.

But what IS the case is you give up power and add cost plus lock in performance for the life of the unit.

You see a GPU card doesn't degrade, just what was once called ultra settings, becomes high settings, which becomes medium settings, which then becomes low settings.

In fact you can bet your ass that whatever ultra looked like in 2013, once that level of power becomes 'low' settings, the 'low' settings will look BETTER then the 'ultra' settings of 2013.

But you'd also have the option to upgrade for a 100-200-300-400-500 or more...your choice whenever you wanted to. Five minutes out of the box and you'll be downloading the graphics driver. Install it, maybe restart your os, and your done. Literally takes 10 minutes.

Consoles have advantages so I buy them too. But a valid reason to own consoles over PC's is NOT that they are too complicated. I can understand it to be a reason overall, but it's not really a valid one. It's too complicated by not being 'standard'. Besides since consoles peel tech away from PC's, if PC's were standard, what would consoles do at all? The only reason there can be a standard console market is because PC's are constantly progressing the industry and making parts that later the console makers can pick and choose from to make their consoles.

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Edited By kamikazeespleen

@TheGamerPhenom @Sushiglutton The PS4 is effectively a PC so....yes it kinda is the case.

I'm a PC gamer and I'm considering getting this console.

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"they are enormours" john said, as the profile picture lustfully glares at the viewer.

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Edited By GSGuy321

There's a lot less money to go around this generation.

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@GSGuy321 Maybe. But they could also be catching the economy at the right time if the projected upswing were to continue. There might not be AS much as there was at the beginning of the last console release, but it's not going to be as bad as many make it out to be.

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As much as I hate EA, this guy is pretty damn spot on with everything he said.

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His portrait is creepy..."Want some candy little boy?"

Kidding aside - he's right, but I can't tell if what he's saying is honest since he's a videogame criminal.

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That is creepy... Oye.

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Nothing against him personally, but this is the equivalent of politicians saying "This is the most important election of your life" before every single election. We know, and you are making too much of it.

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@Tseng I doubt he is trying to make too much of it. He was likely asked a question in a interview about his thoughts on the upcoming consoles, and so he gave them. I can't really blame him, because as stupid as he was at EA, he's mostly right in this case.

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@TheGamerPhenom @Tseng He might be right, but he is stating the blatantly obvious. We know this, the devs know this, and most importantly Sony and Microsoft know this. New consoles only come around once every decade, give or take...of course they need to deliver. The point was, why is this news?

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Edited By TheGamerPhenom

@Tseng @TheGamerPhenom Well . . . I feel like WE know this. And while the devs, and as you said, more importantly Microsoft/Sony know about it . . . how much are they going to pay attention to it? I felt like he raised valid points because ultimately Sony/Microsoft are still going to have to deliver on these fronts, and that isn't a guarantee. Far from it, in fact if you ask me. Maybe it's not exactly front page, headline news, but it's interesting to read his opinions nonetheless.

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Bad economy = rude surprise coming for MS and Sony. If they think the Wii U had trouble and it was all because of it being a bad system they are stupid.

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@DeViLzzz Except the economy is on an upswing and has been for a while. If you think that the Wii U being a terrible system/having no games had a smaller impact on sales than the economy, you are incorrect.

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@Tseng @DeViLzzz I mean this holiday season upcoming. There wasn't a large interest in WiiU. Although supply always seems to be an issue so by the time tax return rolls around there might not be many PS4 or XBox(whatever the next one is called) available.

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@Tseng @DeViLzzz I could see more units sold during tax return season then the holiday season.

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@grnsuperman4 @Tseng @DeViLzzz 122,000 sold in December, 38,000 sold in April...(according to the internets)

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@Tseng @DeViLzzz Yep. The Wii-U and it's current failings are more because Nintendo is still against making a decent console more than a crappy economy. If what you make is crap, then people aren't going to buy it, even in a good economy . . .

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Edited By jmc88888

@TheGamerPhenom @Tseng @DeViLzzz

No it's definitely both. We're in an ever deepening depression. The stock market is rigged, the unemployment numbers are rigged, and there is out and out chaos in Europe.

2008 was a girl scout picnic compared to what is currently brewing. One day you're going to wake up and realize that instead of Glass-Steagall protecting your deposits in the bank (which are really just loans to a bank..and you are the lowest creditor on the totem pole)....that Obama and Romney (i.e. both sides) sold you down the river and refused to reimplement Glass-Steagall.

Because of this they went with wall street's Dodd-Frank bill, which makes Cyprus deposit confiscation bail-in the standard for bank resolution.

There's still anywhere between 600 and 1400 trillion in worthless derivatives. These should be pretty much illegal. Instead they are sacrosanct and protected at the expense of EVERYTHING ELSE within the market. Where do you think your bailout money really went? To stop the daisy chain collapse of these derivatives, because one break in the chain can take 600-1400 trillion in derivatives and cause them to spiral to 0 taking every bank and gov't with it in the industrialized world.

In other words, the economy is much worse now than in 2008.

But Nintendo needs more games, and while the unit has a decent amount of low end power, it still is a notch too low.

But also don't expect all 360 and PS3 games coming out to go to PS4 and 720. Because just like the Wii U, not every company that needs something to sell 10-20 million units of their game to satisfy wall street will be able to when the 720 and PS4 combined will probably only sell 2-4 million this holliday season. In other words expect some smaller publishers with good games to wait a year or two to put games out on the PS4 and 720.

Happens every generation. Some devs hold back until the install base is good.

Which leads me back to what's happening with Wii U. They are waiting for the install base to get bigger, the problem is, by the time that's happening their games are being ratcheted up for PC/PS4/720. So it's kind of in a no man's land. It's still got plenty of power for devs to make or port games to. Plenty of the engines used will be able to run on it. But I didn't buy a Wii U for 3rd party games. I hoped to get a few for it, but I bought it mostly for Nintendo games. I feel bad for people who bought it for an all encompassing console. In a sense it is, just it will be utilized very little.

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@DeViLzzz Not if it's good. Price isn't going to hurt as much in a slowly stabilizing economy if the product they release is as good as they're being hyped up to be.

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