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Retail Radar: New Growlanser, Warhammer for PSP?

Wal-Mart database of upcoming games says Atlus is bringing over a new installment in role-playing series while Namco drops the hammer on Sony's portable.


Today's installment of the Retail Radar comes from a Wal-Mart database of upcoming games. Amidst the myriad of new games based on Cartoon Network properties, such as Kim Possible and other kid's fare, a pair of listings stood out from the crowd. It seems Wal-Mart is expecting shipments of Warhammer Warcry for the PlayStation Portable later this year, courtesy of Namco, and Growlanser for the PlayStation 2 early next year from Atlus.

No information was given about either game outside of their publishers and UPC numbers. However, given that the Warhammer customizable card game is called Warhammer: WarCry, it would seem that any PSP release bearing that name would be based on the card game.

As for Growlanser, the long-running Atlus Japanese role-playing game series, this would be the first time that it made it to US shores with Atlus as its publisher. In 2004, Growlanser II and III were released in America courtesy of the now-defunct Working Designs as Growlanser Generations. But there's no telling if Atlus would pick up where Working Designs left off and bring over Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of Time or if it would skip ahead in the series and import Grownlaser IV: Return (a series of side stories to the original), or the upcoming Growlanser V: Generations (no relation to Working Designs' US release).

An Atlus representative declined to comment on the Growlanser listing, while Namco Bandai representatives had not returned requests for comment as of press time.

Please note, while retailer listings frequently jump the gun on publishers' product announcements, they should not be taken as final confirmation of a game's existence, nor should the absence of a listing be considered as proof that a game isn't coming to a given platform.

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