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Renowned Unreal Level Designer Leaves Epic

Thomas Elliot Cannon, aka Myscha the Sled Dog, best known for his level design work on Unreal, has left Epic Games to join Collective Studios.


T. Elliot Cannon, better known as Myscha the Sled Dog among the Unreal gaming community, has left Epic Games to work with Collective Studios, a small startup developer based in sunny Laguna Beach, Calif., as a level designer.

Collective has been quietly working on the Unreal engine-based game Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen for just over five months. "Myscha came by our offices about three weeks ago to educate us on UnrealEd, the engine's level editor," Collective's vice president Richard Hare told GameSpot News. "He was so impressed by what we had accomplished in such a short amount of time that he asked to come aboard. Naturally, we were more than excited to have him".

Hare insists that Myscha's departure from Epic was amicable, although he stated that The Fallen was much more suited to his talents than Epic's current projects were. "The Fallen has a very strong single player story element, an area in which Myscha especially wanted to express his talent," continued Richard Hare.

Myscha's first day on the job is tomorrow, May 13, on the floor of E3. While The Fallen won't be shown to the attendees, the Collective plans on giving private showings inside the Simon & Schuster booth.

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