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Red Storm and Zombie Team Up

The two competitors will be collaborating on Red Storm's upcoming Covert Ops.


Red Storm Entertainment has just announced that its upcoming interactive guide to espionage and counterterrorism, Covert Ops, will have its 3D levels created by Zombie Interactive, a developer traditionally considered a competitor of Red Storm because of the similarity between the two companies' military games.

"We're all incredibly excited about the opportunity to work on the Rainbow Six franchise - we're huge fans of the game," Zombie president Mark Long said. "Combat realism is what we're all about at Zombie, and it doesn't get any more real than Rainbow Six."

Covert Ops will contain video footage of weapons, items, and tactics used by counterterrorist organizations during hostile situations. The game will also include fully interactive 3D levels designed to give its users a firsthand look at the world of espionage. These 3D levels not withstanding, Covert Ops is being developed by Paul Schuytema's Magic Lantern. The game will ship later this fall and will be on display at E3 in Los Angeles.

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