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Rainbow Six Announced for Dreamcast

Majesco to port the popular PC game to the Dreamcast in time for the system's US launch.


Majesco announced on Tuesday that it has signed a deal with Red Storm Entertainment to deliver Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six to the Dreamcast. The PC version of the game that released last fall still manages to sell out in stores today, so its future on the Dreamcast looks just as bright.

"Dreamcast is a fantastic format for Rainbow Six," says Dick Wnuk, Red Storm Entertainment executive vice president of sales and marketing. "We are looking forward to working with Majesco to broaden our fan base for the Rainbow Six franchise."

The Majesco-developed Rainbow Six port is the latest game to be announced as a US Dreamcast launch title, so expect to see it on shelves starting September 9. The PC version of Rainbow Six was given an 8.0 score by GameSpot.

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